- Gravitational force from a shell;Hooke's 'law'. 利用积分推导球壳的引力;
- A mare on the moon having rock of greater density than that of the surrounding area, thus exerting a slightly higher gravitational force. 质量密集月球上的阴暗部,其内部岩石比周围地区的岩石的密度大,因此产生略大些的引力
- A gibbon is better adapted than a man for life in a low gravitational force. 长臂猿比人更能适应在低重力场中生活。
- Newton's problem was to express in mathematical terms the gravitational force between different bodies. 牛顿的目标是要用数学形式来表示不同物体之间的引力。
- The idea of an inverse-square law of gravitational force acting on the planets was in the air around Newton's time. 认为作用于行星的是平方反比定律的引力,这种看法在牛顿时代很流行。
- In his monumental work begun in 1666, Newton discovered three vital facts about the gravitational force. 牛顿在他开始于一六六六年的不朽的工作中,发现了有关万有引力的三个极其重要的事实。
- The work of the gravitational force, therefore, depends only on the initial and final elevations and not on the path. 所以,重力的功仅取决于初高度和末高度,而与路径无关。
- Inertial forces and gravitational forces are indistinguishable. 惯性力与引力是不可区分的。
- Its main mission completed, Voyager turned Neptune's gravitational force into a celestial slingshot and sped toward a rendezvous with infinity. 主要任务完成以后,“旅行者”将海王星的引力转变为天体弹弓,迅速飞向无穷远的会合点。
- In an analysis of the process in which Einstein established general relativity it is found that gravitational force is a fundamental problem in nature and even the whole universe. 对爱因斯坦建立广义相对论的过程进行了分析,引力问题是自然界乃至整个宇宙世界的一个基本问题。
- The tendency of growing parts, such as roots, to become oriented at right angles to the direction of gravitational force. 横向地性生长部分在地心引力的作用下倾向于适当角度,如植物的根
- Gravitational field is a kind of vector field, and the description of gravitational force by general relativity is very effective. 引力场是一种矢量场,广义相对论对引力问题的描述是非常有效的。
- This leakage has a profound effect on the gravitational force between objects separated by more than the critical distance. 这种能量的渗漏,对于超过某一临界距离的物体间的重力而言,有著深远的影响。
- At this time the Suns gravitational force partially offsets the Moons gravitational force causing lower than normal tides called neap tides. 这时,太阳的部分引力抵消月亮的引力,形成比平常还低的潮水,称为小潮。
- Will eventually merge into one by their strong gravitational forces. 最终会因强大的引力而二合为一。
- Einstein theory of relativity told us that mass and energy determine the geometry of spacetime and any curvature of this spacetime shows itself as the gravitational force. 爱因斯坦的相对论提出,质量和能量决定时空的几何形状,而时空的弯曲率则以引力的形式表达出来。
- This is the formula for a thick vertically faulted slab with such a large throw that the downthrow side makes no contribution to the gravitational force. 这是有垂直断层的厚板体的公式,其断层的落差是这样大,以致下落翼对重力场没有什么影响。
- Later on, Oppenheimer and others through calculation proved that supermassive stars under gravitational force could really collapse to form black holes. 后来奥本海默等人透过计算,证明大质量星体在重力塌缩下的确可以形成黑洞。
- This is the formula for a thick vertically faulted slab with such a large throw that the downthrow side makes no contribution to the gravitational force . 这是有垂直断层的厚板体的公式,其断层的落差是这样大,以致下落翼对重力场没有什么影响。
- With no outward forces to oppose gravitational forces, the remnant will collapse in on itself. 由于没有向外的力量对抗重力吸引,残留物就会向它自身里面崩塌。