- The FBC is a non linear system which is chaotic. 流化床燃烧系统是一个具有混沌特性的非线性动力系统;
- In addition,the relationship between compression ratio of veneer and hot pressure would be discussed in the paper,which would be non linear expression from experimental data. 笔者分析了速生杨木单板的压缩率与热压单位压力的关系,试验表明单板的压缩率与压力呈非线性关系。
- The experimental results show that multi-layer steel plate isolator has good hysteretic damping performances and the relation between the rigidity and the energy dissipation coefficient is non linear. 实验结果表明,多层钢板隔振器具有良好的迟滞阻尼性能,隔振器的刚度和能耗系数都随形变的变化而呈非线性变化;
- By which linear and non linear frequency response function was estimated, and nonlinear stiffness coefficient and damping coefficient of the model were optimized by least square method in this paper. 利用该方法对非线性频响函数进行估计,并利用了最小二乘法对模型的非线性刚度系数和非线性阻尼系数进行了优化。
- The equivalent linearization results obtained by probabilistic method are inducted to treat landing gear non linear parameters such as shock absorber air spring force, hydraulic damping and Coulomb friction, tire stiffness and damping. 引入了概率平均意义上的当量线性化方法 ,用该方法处理了起落架缓冲器空气弹簧、油液阻尼和库仑摩擦力以及轮胎刚度和阻尼等非线性参数。
- This paper delves into the method of finding the best damp ratio and intrinsic frequency ratio of CVIS. 得出系统求解方程及寻找最佳阻尼比和固有频率比的方法。
- It is found that for the above situation the soil material damping ratio is commonly less than 3%. 计算分析表明风振时层状场地地基土的材料阻尼比很小,一般不超过3%25。
- NON LINEAR VOLTAGE DEPENDENT DISC HARGE RESISTORS By Power Development Co. Ltd[S]. 中国科学院等离子体物理研究所.;二滩水力发电厂励磁系统咨询报告[R]
- Depending on the damping ratio adjusting,the low measurement range and the high frepuency response was realized. 采用调整阻尼比技术,解决了传感器的低量程、高频响的技术难点。
- The present study is useful for non linear analysis,crack analysis,and overloading analysis of arch dams. 根据该模型编制了相应的程序,并对小湾拱坝进行了非线性分析、超载分析及开裂范围和开裂尺寸的研究。
- A non linear photochromic mask layer can be utilized for super resolution optical data storage. 利用光致变色介质的非线性效应特性制成掩膜,可以实现超分辨率光存储。
- Through the study of the dynamic hysteretic loop curve of silt clay, a new bilinear model of soil based on damping ratio was proposed. 摘要通过对粉质粘土动力滞回曲线的研究,提出了一种新型基于阻尼比的双线型土动力本构模型。
- This paper analysis the limitations of traditional optimization metheods for a kind of non linear programming(NLP). 对间歇化工过程用水网络优化提出了基于非线性规划的优化设计方法。
- Soil dynamic parameters, including dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio, have important effects on the earthquake response of soil layer. 摘要土动力学参数即土的动剪切模量比和阻尼比,对土层地震反应分析结果有重要影响。
- The test covers the deflection and stress of the main sections, natural frequency, impact coefficient and damping ratio, etc. 试验内容主要有关键拱肋截面的位移和内力、振动频率、冲击系数和振动阻尼比等静动力特性。
- The main idea is to make full use of the decorrelation of two complex-valued vectors in generating independent components by non linear decorrelation. 结合非正则复向量的协方差矩阵和伪协方差矩阵构造出了新的代价函数,进而提出新算法,通过复非线性不相关,从混合信号中提取出复值独立分量。
- Results show that the rubberized concrete has higher damping ratio and lower elastic modulus, and thus lower natural frequency for elements. 试验结果发现,橡胶混凝土的阻尼较之普通混凝土有显著提高,弹性模量和基频随橡胶掺量的增加而降低。
- Assuming the interaction between rivulet and cable surface to be a coulomb damping force and a linear damping force,a new theoretical model of rain-wind induced vibration is established. 斜拉索的风雨激振严重地影响到斜拉索以至于斜拉桥的安全,其机理至今仍无定论。
- By using the wavelet transform and the non linear optimization,we calculated parameters and determined the saltation edges of the differential ECG. 微分心电信号的突变特性反映了心肌除极波前在传播过程中的临界点现象,有可能解释心电图高频成分的成因。
- Significant differences occur in the mass,stiffness,period and damp ratio after adding steel storeys on the top of the original building. 采用钢结构加层后,结构的整体质量、刚度、周期、阻尼比等都发生了较大的变化,应进行结构的整体分析。