- parameter adaptive control system 参量自适应控制系统
- parametric adaptive control algorithm 参量自适应法
- Application of Fuzzy Parameter Adaptive Controller in Direct Torque Control 一种模糊参数自适应控制器在直接转矩控制中的应用
- Morse,A.S, Towards a Unified Theory of Parameter Adaptive Control: Tunability,IEEE Trans. On Automatic 郭雷,陈翰馥,自校正调节器的稳定性和最优性,中国科学A辑,34(9):905-913,1991
- Non- parameters adaptive real time control. 非参数自适应实时控制。
- parameter adaptive control 参数自适应控制
- Chaos synchronization of parametric adaptive control for different parameters to a class of two dimensional discrete chaotic systems 一类二维离散混沌系统在不同系统参数下的自适应混沌同步
- A fuzzy adaptive control method is proposed for a flexible robot manipulator. 摘要提出了一种用于柔性机器人操作臂控制的模糊自适应控制策略。
- Isermann, Rolf, “Adaptive control systems,” Prentice Hall, New York, 1992. 韩曾晋,“适应控制系统,”科技图书股份有限公司
- It is compared with the traditional model free adaptive control (MFAC). 比较了该控制方法与非线性跟踪微分器的控制效果。
- The method described here was inspired by the treatise Non Parametric Burning Rate Estimation , authored by Henrik D. 中描述的方法在这里的灵感是由伤寒非参数燃烧速度的估计 ,作者亨利克四尼森。
- As the object of CVCF power supply system was nonlinear and time-varying and in order to get good dynamic response and strongerrobustness,adaptive control of inferential control was realized by building parameter estimate model. 由于CVCF交流电源系统其对象是具有非线性和时变性的,为了获得良好的动态响应,使系统具有更强的鲁棒性,在上述研究的基础上,通过建立参数估计模型来实现推理控制器的自适应控制。
- A new parameters adaptive PID control algorithm is put forward on the basis of Cohen Coon assignment formula. 在Cohe Coon整定公式的基础上 ;提出了一种参数自适应PID控制算法 .
- A non parametric MKS trial method which is used to analyses the statistic character stability of degenerated energy levels fluctuation is set up in this paper. 通过引入权重 ,并用一能级数等于简并谱的无趋向性序列为标准去衡量简并邻间距谱的趋向性 ,由此建立分析简并谱涨落统计特征稳定性的MKS无参量试验法 ;
- The result shows that the control precision and parameter adaptability, anti-interference of DC motor is improved after using this arithmetic. 系统运行结果表明,采用该算法提高了直流电机的控制精度、参数自适应性、抗干扰性。
- Simulations show that it has a larger parameter adaptation and improves the dynamic properties of control systems as compared with the former ADRC. 仿真研究表明,该控制器较单一的自抗扰控制器具有参数适应性更大、动态特征更好等优点。
- Besides, an adaptive controller with projection algorithm as parameter estimation law is designed for the slow subsystem control and its asymptotical stability is proved. 此外,对于慢子系统的控制,选择以投影算法作为参数估计规律的自适应控制器,并证明了它的渐近稳定性。
- Adaptive control theorem can overcome uncertain parameters of systems by using parameter adjuster, but it can t reject the influence of external disturbance. 适应控制藉由参数调整器来自动调整控制参数,虽能克服系统含有参数不确定性的困扰,但无法排除外来干扰所带来的不良影响。
- Application of Hysteresis Switching in Adaptive Control of Coal-fired Power Plant Boiler Drum Level P. 内蒙古大学滞后切换自适应控制策略应用于电站锅炉汽包水位控制。