- nonlinear dynamic multiplier 非线性动态乘数
- The nonlinear dynamic control strategy of two-link flexible arm is analyzed. 摘要对双连杆柔性机械臂动力学非线性控制问题进行了分析。
- Ensemble Filtering for Nonlinear Dynamics. 非线性动力学的合成滤波。
- The case study applies theory to practice and supplies evidence from its dynamic multiplier effect, economic growth promotion effect and Ricardian equivalence. 近年来国内对财政风险的研究热潮中,从财政政策作用机制的角度探讨财政风险的并不多见。
- A modeling method for nonlinear dynamic system based on Support Vector Regression (SVR) was proposed in this paper. 提出一种基于支持向量回归机(SVR)的非线性动态系统建模方法。
- Next,these numerical solutions of this nonlinear dynamic equation are investigated by using Runge-Kutta method. 由这些非线性动力学方程的数值解,确定了撞击力和侵入位移,进而得到几何参数对撞击力、侵彻位移的影响曲线。
- The simulation results show the validity of the DSMC for this kind of nonlinear dynamic model of PEA. 仿真实验表明,该滑模迟滞补偿器能有效地补偿压电陶瓷等对象所表现出的迟滞特性。
- Debris flow is a nonlinear dynamic process , so the f urrows of debrisflow have nonlinear properties . 泥石流的活动是流域演化的一种非线性动力过程,它的表象决定了泥石流沟具有非线性性。
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Where Do We Go from Here? 非线性动力学与混沌宇宙:我们要从这里去哪里?
- Since RNN inducts feedback, it is a nonlinear dynamical system. 由于递归神经网络引入反馈,所以它是一个非线性动力学系统。
- Aiming at this point, the paper suggests a new method for the multipurp ose nonlinear dynamic optimum design. 针对这点,该文提出了多目标非线性动态优化设计的一个新方法。
- Torque ripple reduction was researched based on torque observe using nonlinear dynamic model of SRD. 基于SRD的非线性动态仿真模型,研究了基于转矩观测法的转矩脉动抑制。
- A nonlinear dynamic model to simulate radial stiffness of ball bearings due to race waviness is presented. 摘要建立了考虑波纹度影响的球轴承非线性振动模型,该模型可以用来仿真球轴承的径向刚度。
- Hanna NH,Tobias SA,The nonlinear dynamic behavious of a machine tool structure.Int Journal of MTDR,1969,9:193-207. 吴雅柯石求.;金属切削机床切削噪声的动力学研究[J]
- This is a nonlinear dynamic process, there is no generally accepted theory with the most appropriate method. 这是一个非线性的动态过程,目前尚无公认最合适的研究方法与理论。
- The paper linearizes the nonlinear dynamic model of CSTR as input-output linearization, now we obtain the linearizing system of CSTR. 本文将CSTR的非线性动力学模型进行了输入输出线性化,得到CSTR非线性动力学模型的线性化形式;
- A novel Parsimonious Genetic Programming (PGP) algorithm for aero-engine starting process optimum data-driven nonlinear dynamic modeling was proposed. 摘要提出了一种新的用于航空发动机最优化起动过程数据驱动动态建模的约简遗传规划(PGP)算法。
- A model for the nonlinear dynamics of a subminiature rotorcraft is established. 摘要建立了超小型旋翼机系统的非线性参数化模型。
- Based on nonlinear dynamic mathematical model of PMSM,the PMSM system is inputoutput linearized with the direct feedback linearization method. 根据永磁同步电动机的非线性动态数学模型,采用直接反馈线性化控制方法,实现了永磁同步电动机系统的输入输出线性化。
- A new method based on FWCM (fast wavelet collocation method) for time domain steady state simulation of nonlinear dynamic circuit is proposed. 摘要本文提出一种基于快速小波配置法(FWCM)的非线性动态电路时域稳态模拟方法。