- Jordan decomposition of signed measure 带号测度若尔当分解
- Negative variation of signed measure 带号测度负变差
- complete variation of signed measure 带号测度全变化
- Creates the norm of a quaternion. 创建四元数的模方。
- Is an array of pairs of signed long integers. 为有符号的长整型对数组。
- The norm of a quaternion is similar to that of a vector. 四元数的平均值与矢量的有点相似。
- This is the current middle-class norm of two children per family. 每家两个孩子,这是目前中产阶级的家庭模式。
- Conclusions The results can be used as a norm of burnout f... 结论该测查结果可作为今后护士职业倦怠的参考标准。
- The order of signs as they appear within printed or written words. 在印刷或书写的字词中出现的符号的次序。
- You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. 在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。
- You must adapt to the norm of the society you live in. 在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。
- Language is a system of signs that express ideas. 语音是一种表达观念的符号系统。
- Holding the view that the ego is the center, object, and norm of all experience. 自我中心的认为自我是所有的中心、对象和经验的标准的
- The currentmiddle-class norm of two children per family. 现今每家两个孩子的中产阶级典型。
- The primitive language of signs is not always very. 原始语言手势的意思并非总是很清楚的。
- It has been authorized by another legal norm of a higher rank. 它已经得到另一条最高层次的法律规范的认可。
- The design or use of signs and symbols. 标志图样:标志和象征的设计或使用。
- She made her wishes known by means of signs. 她借助手势使大家明白了她的愿望。
- To observe the norms of Labor Health and Safety. 遵循劳工健康和安全守则。
- Do you know the step of signing an agreement? 你知道签署协议的步骤吗?