- norm of conceptual category 概念范畴规范
- Omission of Words of Conceptual Category 省略概念范畴类词语
- This paper first describes how the cognitive system of conceptual categories has been reflected and realized in the semantic/syntax system of language,which often confines further cognition to cause cognitive difficulty. 本文首先描述了人在世界认知中产生的概念范畴构造系统如何反映和实现于语言之语义/句法构造系统,这个构造系统又成为人进一步认识世界的认知约束而使人陷入认知困境。
- Creates the norm of a quaternion. 创建四元数的模方。
- The norm of a quaternion is similar to that of a vector. 四元数的平均值与矢量的有点相似。
- This is the current middle-class norm of two children per family. 每家两个孩子,这是目前中产阶级的家庭模式。
- Conclusions The results can be used as a norm of burnout f... 结论该测查结果可作为今后护士职业倦怠的参考标准。
- You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. 在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。
- You must adapt to the norm of the society you live in. 在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。
- To observe the norms of Labor Health and Safety. 遵循劳工健康和安全守则。
- Holding the view that the ego is the center, object, and norm of all experience. 自我中心的认为自我是所有的中心、对象和经验的标准的
- The currentmiddle-class norm of two children per family. 现今每家两个孩子的中产阶级典型。
- It has been authorized by another legal norm of a higher rank. 它已经得到另一条最高层次的法律规范的认可。
- What does such an apparent reversal of the norm of male primacy stand for? 如此明显地与男性优势的常态相对反,意味著什麽?
- Norms of Judicial Practice of Intellectual Property II. 知识产权审判规范2。
- One of the more powerful approaches for abstracting and simplifying natural phenomena is the use of conceptual models. 简化抽象自然现象的一种比较有效的途径是采用理想模型。
- The dirty words about violating morality can reflect special norm of morality. 违背伦理道德类詈语则能够折射出特定社会的伦理道德规范。
- Scholars in ancient China all took sages' sermons as their norm of behavior. 中国古代读书人都以圣训作为自己的行为准则。
- A new picture has emerged which takes a dynamic construal approach to conceptual categories. 范畴理论研究出现了新动向,即概念范畴的动态构建论。
- This paper,based on the practice of conceptual modeling,researches many problems of CMMS. 本论文在总结任务空间概念模型实践经验的基础上,研究了我军任务空间概念建模的一系列问题,主要内容如下: