- norm referenced grading 常模参照记分法
- There are no normative references at present. 目前尚无引用标准。
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is indispensable for the correct application of this publication. 注意本刊引用的标准参考书目,使用这些参考刊物时必须循正确途径获得。
- He's not in the first grade as a musician. 他不是第一流的音乐家。
- Business is now on the up grade. 目前生意蒸蒸日上。
- Criminal behaviour seem to be the norm in this neighbourhood. 犯罪行为似乎是这一带的正常现象。
- Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A. 满90分的学生评为甲等。
- Evidently shipowner to bear expense refer. 很明显船主应承担此费用。
- Criminal behaviour seems to be the norm in this neighbourhood. 犯罪行为似乎是这一带的正常现象。
- No. we normally refer to metric ton. 不,我们通常指公吨。
- Botanists refer this flower to the rose family. 植物学家将这花归入蔷薇科。
- The sixth grade saw an educational film yesterday. 六年级学生昨天看了一部教育片。
- He received a failing grade on the term paper. 他的期末报告不及格。
- For further details, please refer to page 426. 详情请看四百二十六页。
- Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society. 偏离,脱离不正常的或脱离社会常轨的
- Red and yellow grade into orange. 红与黄混合成橘黄。
- The twins will enter the fourth grade this fall. 这对双胞胎今年秋季将升到四年级。
- norm referenced testing 常模参照测验法