- norm for materials consumed 材料消耗定额
- It has become the norm for wives to work. 妻子参加工作已经成为一种准则。
- It was a norm for any major company. 这在各大公司都是司空见惯的。
- First, marriage was the norm for a woman's career. 男女之防旣不严格,六朝妇女便享有相当自由参加社交活动。
- It is the norm for Bob to be late. 迟到对鲍勃来说是家常便饭。
- It set the norm for American homes. 它为美国家庭设定了平均值数。
- Enterprise Management for Materials 'f? 物资企业管理学?
- Kerosene lamps and stoves were the norm for light and cooking. 大家还在用煤油灯作光源,用传统炉灶来做饭。
- In mathematics this class is above the norm for the senior year. 以数学来说,这个班级程度高于高年级的常轨。
- Currently, having one child is the norm for Chinese couples. 现在家庭基本上都是独生子女。
- Companies also buy futures to guarantee costs for materials. 公司可以购买期货在保证原料价格。
- Severe corrosion prevention for materials in oceaneering. 海洋工程中的材料重腐蚀防护。
- Happiness ? Americans have taken it as a norm for at least a century. 美国人将幸福作为生活的一部分已经有至少一个世纪的历史。
- He bartered away his pride for material gain. 他为贪图物质财富而出卖了他的自尊心。
- We have completed half of the project,but now we're stuck for materials. 我们已完成了工程的一半,但现在却在停工待料。
- The site construction ration is the quota of labors, machines and materials consumed in construction work for completing one qualified unit product under reasonable and normal construction conditions. 施工定额是建筑安装工人或工人小组在合理的劳动组织和正常的施工条件下,为完成单位质量合格产品所需消耗的人工、材料、机械的数量标准。
- Simple Discussion on the Application of Computer to Draw up of Process Norm for Material Consumption 浅谈应用计算机编制材料工艺消耗定额
- We have completed half of the project, but now we're stuck for materials. 我们已完成了工程的一半,但现在却在停工待料。
- How do I use maximum units for material resources? 如何对材料资源使用最大单位?
- We finally developed norms for the scale. 本研究最后并根据928位有效样本创建常模。