- normal base flow 常年基流
- For the given base flow,T-S wave at the entrance to research the evolution of perturbance spatially is imposed. 对于给定的基本流,在计算域入口加入T-S波扰动,研究扰动的空间发展演化。
- Baldwin-Lomax algebraic turbulent model is corrected to adapt the feature of the base flow. 对Baldwin-Lomax代数湍流模型根据底部流的特点进行了修正。
- Base flow separation method and isotope technique were adopted to study the cyclic relationship between river water and groundwater. 通过基流分割计算和同位素技术的应用,研究了区内地下水和地表水之间的水循环规律及地下水对黄河的贡献。
- Land use changes can influence hydrological processes including infiltration, groundwater recharge, base flow and runoff in a watershed. 然而土地利用的改变会造成集水区中水文循环的影响,其中包括有入渗、地下水补注、基流以及流量。
- The representability of occasional survey data of base flow and its significance in spring flow evaluation are also discussed in this paper. 以山西静乐县娘子神泉为例,讨论上述方法的应用过程与步骤,并探讨基流量偶测数据的代表性及其在泉水流量评价中的意义。
- Georgian military forces must withdraw to their normal bases of encampment. 格鲁吉亚军队必须撤回其平时驻扎的军营。
- Nathan R J,McMahon T A.Evaluation of automated techniques for base flow and recession analyses[J].Water Resources Research,1990,26 (5):1465-1473. 张文华;郭生练;林凯荣.;流量过程线分割的新方法--公式推导[J]
- This paper studies the discharge hydrograph separation methods, discusses the concept of base flow, and gives a reasonable definition of base flow. 摘要对流量过程线分割方法进行了深入的研究,讨论了对基流问题的认识,给出了较合理的基流定义;
- SSOA has gone from unity based flow into a modified beehive flow in 2006. 当所有业力通过两个祖先间的宽恕被清理,随之完成的周期发生。
- By extending the normal based subdivision scheme for curve and surface design, a new algorithm for image interpolation is proposed in this paper. 摘要将基于法向的曲线细分技术应用到图像插值中,提出一种基于细分的图像插值算法。
- Look at the material: wood floors should be strengthened to normal based on high-density fiberboard for the substrate. 看材质:正常强化木地板应是以高密度纤维板为基材。
- Based on the Fourier analysis, the basic theory of base flow separation using digital filter is presented. 摘要在傅里叶分析的基础上,阐述了数字滤波分割基流的基本原理;
- Feeling the pod based flow whilst holding space for a conclave helped me to see that this was indeed possible. 感受到基于圆荚体的能量流同时为大师秘会维系空间的经历,帮助我看到这的确是有可能的。
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- The mer-ka-ba has pointy sharp edges that cut the rotational Language of Light based flow of earth and tears at her chakras and auric field. 摩卡巴具有非常尖锐和锋利的边缘会切开基于旋转光之语的地球能量,并撕开她的脉轮和金场。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 这座城市的局势已恢复正常。
- As we united with these two humans of dolphin and whale nature in a pod based flow, now they are recovering, and we are also sharing records amongst us. 当我们把这两个海豚鲸鱼性质的人类联合进荚果体为基础的运转,现在他们正康复,而我们也在我们之中分享记录。
- The normal return fare to New York is fifty-six. 去纽约的来回票标准价是56元。
- Traditional wallpaper patterns are normally based on designs that stand the test of time. 传统的墙纸图案通常是基于设计经得起时间的考验。