- Her only concession to what might have been considered normal behaviour for a young woman, was a concern for the way she looked. 她比较注重自己的仪表,这是她同一般年轻姑娘具有的唯一共同点。
- A day, wife be seized by a whim, act out of normal behaviour, put on affectedly sweet affectedly sweet sound, scatter arrogant say: Husband! 一天,老婆心血来潮,一反常态,装出嗲嗲的声音,撒骄的说:老公!
- However the downtown streets now, flat severe winter also act out of normal behaviour, the commodity of that full of beautiful things in eyes adorns marketplace livelily sweet. 然而今日的街市,萧条的严冬也一反常态,那琳琅满目的商品把市井点缀得热闹温馨。走在冬日的街头,心情会悠然明朗起来,冬装不再臃肿。
- Many people are encircled in furniture " threaten " should rise in price when, da Vinci however act out of normal behaviour is hit exceed low discount, unimaginably queer letting a person. 在家具圈不少人“扬言”要涨价之时,达芬奇却一反常态打超低折扣,让人匪夷所思。
- contrary to one's normal behaviour; contrary to the way sb. usually behaves 一反常态
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 这座城市的局势已恢复正常。
- The normal return fare to New York is fifty-six. 去纽约的来回票标准价是56元。
- Everything is absolutely normal. 一切完全正常。
- This case is not amenable to the normal rules. 这件事经不起常规的检验。
- The doctor said the child's temperature was normal. 医生说孩子体温正常。
- Does the animal have enough enrichment / material to express its normal behaviour (e.g. perching, hiding, basking, 動物是否有足夠的空間以表現其正常行為?(例如溫度調節,伸展翅膀,游泳或轉身等等)
- A condition of normal body temperature. 正常体温体温正常的状况
- Normal firmness of a tissue or an organ. 健康状态某个组织或器官所具有的正常坚韧性
- Less than the normal ability to respond to stimuli. 敏感减轻对刺激反应能力低于正常水平
- The bus service have returned to normal after the strike. 罢工结束後公共汽车恢复了正常的运营。
- Loss or removal of normal pigmentation. 褪色丧失或转移正常的着色
- She refused to conform to the normal social conventions. 她拒绝遵从正常的社会习俗。
- She says that risk-taking is normal adolescent behaviour. 她说冒险是青春期的正常表现。
- The disease shuts the boy off from most of the activities of normal children. 疾病使这个男孩不能参加正常孩子的大部分活动。