- Jiang Yu at a regular press conference question and answer session that the relationship between China and Venezuela is the normal state relations. 姜瑜在例行记者会上答问时表示,中国和委内瑞拉的关系是正常的国家关系。
- Just as honesty is vital to human relations, credibility is most important to state relations. 人与人交往要讲诚实,国与国交往要重信义。
- Developing China-ASEAN local governmental relationship plays important roles in promoting state relations, solving problems in transnational public affairs and upgrading local competitiveness. 中国-东盟发展地方政府关系对于推动国家关系发展、解决跨国公共事务、提升地方竞争力等具有重要价值。
- The White Paper on United States Relations with China released by the Department of State in 1949 and Secretary of State Dean Acheson's letter of transmittal to President Harry S.Truman had to admit this. 美国国务院一九四九年发表的《美国与中国的关系》白皮书和艾奇逊国务卿给杜鲁门总统的信,都不得不承认这一点。
- Application of Brain State Related EEG Complexity Measure in Mental Workload Evaluation. 状态相关脑波复杂度用于脑负荷评价的研究。
- The White Paper on United States Relations with China released by the Department of State in 1949 and Secretary of State Dean Acheson's letter of transmittal to President Harry S. Truman had to admit this. 美国国务院一九四九年发表的《美国与中国的关系》白皮书和艾奇逊国务卿给杜鲁门总统的信,都不得不承认这一点。
- Such an approach will invariably create tensions, as it sometimes does in the United States' relations with other countries. 这一举措无疑会造成紧张的局面,就像美国在处理和其它国家的关系时那样。
- The design can be made a lot cleaner by encapsulating all the state related data and methods into a state machine class. 把所有的状态有关的数据和方法封装到一个状态机类里有利于精简设计。
- The Hypothesis of Belief and Doubt (BDH) is the conceptualization of the speaker s epistemological state related to tag questions. 本文从认知语言学的角度,把附加疑问句发问人对所述命题内容的信和疑抽象为一种认知规律,冒昧提出疑问句的信疑假设。
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- Use this page of the ATL Active Server Page Component Wizard to specify optional settings for handling information and state related to your ASP component. 使用“ATL Active Server Page组件向导”的该页指定用于处理ASP组件的相关信息和状态的可选设置。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 这座城市的局势已恢复正常。
- Among all disorders with depressive mood, adjustment disorder, dysthymia and depressive state related to physical disease were more common in Chengdu elderly. 适应性障碍,心境恶劣障碍和躯体疾病引起的抑郁是主要的抑郁类型。
- The normal return fare to New York is fifty-six. 去纽约的来回票标准价是56元。
- Everything is absolutely normal. 一切完全正常。
- This case is not amenable to the normal rules. 这件事经不起常规的检验。
- The doctor said the child's temperature was normal. 医生说孩子体温正常。
- Relations could not return to normal. 关系无法恢复正常。
- A condition of normal body temperature. 正常体温体温正常的状况
- Normal firmness of a tissue or an organ. 健康状态某个组织或器官所具有的正常坚韧性