- The novel was written in northern dialect. 这部小说是以北方方言写成的。
- He is using an unusual northern dialect,which is why everyone is laughing. 他说的是独特的北部方言,所以每个人都在笑。
- He is using an unusual northern dialect, which is why everyone is laughing. 他说的是独特的北部方言,所以每个人都在笑。
- "Wiped" Some said that the word comes from India, the northern dialect, is a Tibetan transliteration of the Sanskrit. “擦擦”一词有的说是来源于印度中、北部的方言,是梵文的藏语音译。
- The quantifier "ba把" has different usages in the northern dialect and putonghua. 摘要动量词“把”在北方方言中的用法与在普通话中的用法相比,存在着很大的差异。
- The title of this dance derives from the northern dialect, meaning the act of coming together to congratulate someone in an auspicious ceremony. 这舞蹈的名字来自泰国北方方言,含义是在吉祥的典礼里一起向某人祝贺的举动。
- Before Ning Hao, Chinese film comedies, except for those from Hong Kong, focused on verbal aspects, especially the use of the northern dialect. 在宁浩之前,华语电影的喜剧片,除了那些来自香港,侧重于语言方面,特别是利用北方方言。
- The changes of Rusheng in the dictionaries of rhymes of the northern dialect of the Yuan and Ming Dynasty have both systematization and diversity. 入声变化在元明时期北方方言系韵书中既有系统性,但也呈现出多样性。
- This thesis investigates reduplication and affixation in the Northern dialect of.Paiwan, an Austronesian language found in Southern Taiwan.The dialect under ... Reduplication as Affixation in Paiwan.;排湾语之重叠现象亦为加缀现象
- Song is the second time the capital relocation Linan (now Hangzhou) today in Hangzhou City, the suburbs around the cities or Wu said, but the city first said it is indeed assimilated by northern dialect. 第二次是宋时的迁都临安(今杭州)今天的杭州城,城市周围的郊区说的还是吴语,但城里头说的确是被北方话同化了的方言。
- This novel was written in ShanDong dialect, inwhich it provides us a vivid, abundant and valuable material ofresearch on the subtlety of the northern dialect used during theMing and Qing Dynasty. 这部近百万字的巨著,包含了丰富而详细的文化史料,在中国文学史及汉语史,尤其是汉语语音史上具有重要的意义。
- The intonation and tone of the northern dialect reflect the forthright character of northerners. 北方话的语音语气能够表现出北方人的直爽豪迈。
- Modern Sichuan dialect belongs to the division of southwest official language Chinese northern dialects. 摘要今天的四川方言属于北方方言西南官话区。
- In dialects of Chinese Language, the words" Xa" in western dialect is quite different both in pronunciation and in definition from that of northern dialect. 汉语方言中,西部地区(括西北和西南地区)言中的“下”,读音和语义有区别于其他汉语北方方言的共同特点。
- In dialects of Chinese Language,the words "Xa" in western dialect is quite different both in pronunciation and in definition from that of northern dialect. 汉语方言中,西部地区(包括西北和西南地区)方言中的“下”,读音和语义有区别于其他汉语北方方言的共同特点。
- Moss affects the northern slopes. 朝北的山坡易生苔。
- She speaks a dialect, not the Queen's English. 她说一口方言,不是标准英语。
- Written by Chen Li, Phonetics, the pronunciation teaching material, has come down in Canton since 19th century. It talks about some problems between Cantonese and Northern dialects. 陈澧所著《音学》是19世纪流传广州的语音教材,其中讲述了广州话与北方话的一些语音问题。
- The modern dialect of Arabic spoken in Iraq. 伊拉克所用的阿拉伯语现代方言
- The Portuguese dialect spoken in Spanish Galicia. 加利亚西方言西班牙加利西亚地区中带葡萄牙口音的方言