- The policeman worked the northern side of town. 这个警察负责管理城北部地区。
- northern side of Kangxiwa 康西瓦北侧
- The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical. 这座山的北侧几乎是垂直的。
- There was a delicious spring on the northern side of the point. 在顶端的北面有一条小溪,溪水十分爽口。
- The residents of Lamma Island live the banyan gulf in northern side of the island. 南丫岛上的居民大多住在北面的榕树湾一带。
- Ming Ri Xing Cheng is a better residential quarter in ChangShu,which is located in the northern side of HuangHe Road. 明日星城是常熟比较高档的居住小区,位于黄河路北侧。
- The removal of soil from the northern side of the tower has been judged a success after an exhaustive series of tests last month. 上个月的一系列实验证明,把斜塔北面的土挖走是矫正塔身角度的有效方法。
- A new silver-polymetallic mineralization belt in parallel with the Gangdese porphyry copper belt was disco-vered on the northern side of the Gangdese Range. 在冈底斯斑岩铜矿带的北侧,发育一条与之平行的银多金属矿化带。
- Then the block in the southern side of this fault is the hanging wall and the block in the northern side of this fault is the footwall. 那么,位于这条断层南侧的岩层是上盘,位于这条断层北侧的岩层则是下盘。
- Loess deposits with varying thicknesses are widely distributed on intermontane valleys and piedmont zones on the northern side of the central Shandong mountainous region. 摘要在鲁中山地北侧的山间谷地及山麓地带广泛发育厚度不一的黄土堆积。
- The kind of tourism North Korea prefers is the carefully controlled tours by South Koreans to Mount Kumgang, a scenic resort on the northern side of their common border. 北韩更愿意推出的旅游是在小心控制下的韩国人到金刚山的旅游,这是一个两国共同边界北侧的风景名胜区。
- The farm sits on the side of the hill. 农场位于山坡上。
- She looked small by the side of her companion. 她和她的同伴在一起时,她显得矮小。
- A cape of southwest Washington on the northern side of the mouth of the Columbia River. It was named in1788 by a British sea captain who was searching for the fabled River of the West and was disappointed when he did not discover a wide river mouth. 失望角华盛顿西南一海角,位于哥伦比亚河河口北侧。该地由英国一名船长在1788年命名,他寻找西方传说中的河,但因找不到宽阔的河口而感到失望
- She is the flip side of Cinderella. 她的命运相当于童话中的灰姑娘。
- Each side of a case in court has its own counsel. 法庭上原告和被告双方都有各自的律师。
- The stone caught him on the side of the head. 那块石头击中他头部的侧面。
- Ministers and aristoctrats knelt down inside the Gates of Parting Clouds on the southern and northern sides of Bridge of gold Bridge according to age and rank. 王公大臣们按辈分和官阶分别跪侍在排云门内,金水桥的桥南桥北。
- This side of the glass is filthy. 玻璃的这一面很脏。
- There is a garage built onto the side of the house. 这所房子的一侧建有一个车库。