- northern subtropical area 北亚热带
- Objective:To explore the situation and prevention of staphylococci infection on burn ward in subtropical area. 目的:探讨我院诊治的烧伤患者葡萄球菌感染现状及防治对策。
- This paper deals with the biocycling characteristics of 11 nutrient elements of artificial Trifolium pratense grassland in high mountain region of northern subtropical zone of China. 本文研究了我国北亚热带高海拔地区红三叶人工草地11种营养元素的生物循环特征。
- J.H.Yen, W.S.Sheu and Y.S.Wang , (2000).Potential of the herbicide fluazifop-butyl to contaminate groundwater in subtropical area. 张芳诚、颜瑞泓、王一雄;(2000).;台湾地区本土好氧性混合菌对多氯联苯生物性分解作用之研究。
- Cyclobalanopsis glauca forest is one of the main types of the evergreen broad leaved forest (EBLF) in East China Subtropical Area. 青冈林是我国东部亚热带常绿阔叶林的最主要的类型之一。
- Shennongjia is located at west of Hubei Province between subtropical area and warm temperate zone.The climate is warm with plenty of rain and sunshine. 神农架位于湖北省西部, 地处亚热带与暖温带的过度区,气候温和,雨量充沛,日照充足,是著名的“绿色宝库”。
- In general, it is found in most tropical and subtropical areas of the world. 总之,在热带和亚热带大部分地区都有地中海实蝇的发生。
- It is widely introduced and a problem weed in the Mediterranean and warm temperate and subtropical areas. 它被广泛地引入,在地中海和温暖的温带和亚热带地区成为有害杂草。
- Epidemic human influenza occurs all year around in tropical and subtropical areas. 在热带亚热带地区,人类流感的流行一年四季都可发生。
- About 52 genera and ca. 500 species: primarily in tropical and subtropical areas; 11 genera and 70 species (32 endemic) in China. 大约52属和约500种:主要分布在热带和亚热带地区,在中国11属,70种(32种特有)
- Between 80 and 100 species: N temperate zone, extending S to mountainous subtropical areas; 70 species (47 endemic) in China. 在80和100种之间:北温带,把S延长到山地亚热带的地区;中国有70种(47特有种)。
- Now the main production areas are in the tropics.The largest production areas are central and south America, followed by subtropical areas and Africa. 目前主要产区多分布在热带,其中以中南美洲为最多,次为亚热带地区及非洲。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- Moss affects the northern slopes. 朝北的山坡易生苔。
- This paper deals with the effects of land-use change on the vertical distribution and storage of soil organic carbon(SOC) in north subtropical areas by means of field survey. 利用野外调查的方法,研究了北亚热带地区土地利用变化对土壤有机碳的垂直分布特征及储量的影响。
- Coffee originally was native only to subtropical areas of Africa. Mankind might never have known its pleasures, if it weren't for a herd of goats, circa 800 A.D. 咖啡最早只产于非洲亚热带地区。如果在大约公元800年,牧羊人没有带来咖啡,人类也许永远无法知道它的乐趣。
- The slum area was sordid and filthy beyond belief. 该贫民区之污秽肮脏简直令人难以置信。
- Intermediate water circulation in the North Pacific subarctic and northern subtropical regions 在北太平洋北极圈和副热带北部的过渡水环流
- He heads up the operation in northern Europe. 在北欧他领导企业的业务活动。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。