- This is a pair of gumshoes for women's bound feet. 此为三寸金莲套靴,红色滚边鞋口,绿色鞋帮。
- We should be bolder than before in conducting reform and opening to the outside and have the courage to experiment. We must not act like women with bound feet. 改革开放胆子要大一些,敢于试验,不能像小脚女人一样。
- Act in a Procrustean way: Shoe bound feet is big, cut the foot to put on a shoe small. 削足适履:鞋小脚大,为了穿上鞋把脚削小。
- He goes to school not by bus, but on foot. 他去上学不是乘公共汽车,而是走路去的。
- Fairy Exposure Shoe to Sun (bound foot shoe,upside-down boot,spernatural exposure boots to the sun etc. 仙女晒鞋(仙人晒靴等等)
- As this offer has been waived, it is not binding upon us now. 由于该盘已自动放弃,现对双方无约束力。
- Aunt Lao is staggering bound feet goes from inside dim earthy kiln, the pants of garment of black Chinese style of a suit overspreads full grey earth. 姨姥蹒跚着小脚从昏暗的土窑中走出来,一身的黑色中式衣裤罩满灰土。
- "The French and Italians debate about who invented high-heeled shoes but I believe they originated in China to support women with bound feet," he said. 他说,“法国人和意大利人一直在争论谁是高跟鞋的发明者,但我相信,高跟鞋源于鼓励女性缠足的中国。”
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- I'm not feeling up to snuff today. 我今天觉得不大舒服。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- This noblewoman not only took delight in the girl's screams when she was bitten, but also in the tenant's nausea over the odor given off by the bound feet. 佃农把丫环咬得大叫,丫环的小脚把佃农熏得呲牙咧嘴,使得地主婆大为满足。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- She danced with her little bound feet which even normally would have a hard time to walk properly.Nevertheless, she was dextrous enough to balance herself on one foot. 她是小脚,走起路来要用拐棍,却可以表演金鸡独立。
- Let me foot the bill, if you do not mind. 如果你不介意,就让我付帐吧。
- In Peihsien County in northern Shantung I found a landlord's wife who derived pleasure out of forcing her husband's tenant to bite the bound feet of her maid servant. 鲁北的北县有个地主婆,强迫一个佃农咬一个丫环的小脚,供她取乐。
- The cinema is not far, you can get there on foot. 电影院不远,你可以走到那去。
- Some of the union members did not want to picket. 工会的一些会员不想担任罢工纠察员。
- We're going on foot, not by car. 我们走著去,不坐汽车。