- not Separately Priced 未分别标价的
- These tea things are sold by the set, not separately. 这些茶具成套出售,不零卖。
- Please separate price for each item. 请分项报价。
- I cannot separate the two arguments. 我无法区分这两个论据。
- The separate pricing of goods and services. 分别处理商品和服务的价格
- When type size change design, not separate informs. 机型尺寸变更设计时,不另行通知。
- You can not separate the rights and wrongs of the case . 这件事你无法分清对与错。
- You cannot separate one part of history from the continuum. 不能割断历史。
- Even numerous mountains and rivers can not separate our friendship. 纵然是万水千山也隔不断我们的情谊。
- Stir the sauce constantly so that it does not separate. 不停地搅动沙司,免得出现分层。
- Mountains and rivers cannot separate us. Merry Christmas. 远隔千山万水,也隔不断我对你。
- Even numerous mountains and rivers cannot separate our friendship. 纵然是万水千山也隔不断我们的情谊。
- The personal behalf is not separated with collectivity's. 个人的利益是与集体的利益分不开的。
- This was Reality Itself, and it was not separate from "me". 这就是实在自身,不是由“我”分离而来。
- Clannish person does not separate oneself and another person. 氏族人不分自己和他人。
- MRS. ARBUTHNOT. Gerald cannot separate his future from my past. 杰拉德不会将前程与过去一刀两断。
- We cannot separate and isolate the companies we work in or invest in. 我们不能与合作或投资的公司相分离。
- It is not price but quality that sells our shoes. 我们的鞋好卖不是因为价钱低而是因为质量好。
- We do not separately verify the Information provided by such third party or agency and you are cautioned thus to the reliability and accuracy of the Information accordingly. 我们不会独立查核第三者或代理人提供的资料,因此,阁下必须注意该等资料是否可靠准确。
- We cannot separate the air that chokes from the air upon which wings beat. 我们不能把窒息鸟儿的空气和鸟的翅膀拍打的空气离开。