- Children under five years of age are not charged. 未满5岁儿童免费。
- They do not charge much for carriage. 他们只收一点儿运费。
- Another group of 11 is still in custody but not charged yet. 另一组的11个人人在扣押之中,但是还未被指控。
- In physics, a neutral object is one that is not charged with electricity. 在物理上,中性物体是指不带电荷的物体。
- In physics,a neutral object is one that is not charged with electricity. 在物理上,中性物体是指不带电荷的物体。
- They do not charge at all for their services. 他们的服务概不收费。
- I will not charge admission to the bathroom. 我再也不设置厕所进入许可了。
- Do not charge the dry batteries. 请勿对干电池充电。
- We do not charge for the use of the health club. 进健身房不收费。
- They did not charge for the second cup of coffee. 第二杯咖啡不需付钱。
- We do not charge anything for that . 对此我们不收任何费用。
- Travel agent does not charge you any service fee. 旅行社代理不收任何服务费。
- But the interior of the bilayer is not charged and forms a strong barrier against the entrance of any charged material. 但磷脂双层内部不带电,对外来带电物质的进入是一道很大的障碍。
- The FCO does not charge for this service. 外交和联邦事务部并没有进行收费,这方面的服务。
- A few issuers do not charge any fees at all. 也有些发行商并不收取任何费用,但这是非常罕见的。
- For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not charged to one's account when there is no law. 没有律法之先,罪已经在世上;但没有律法,罪也不算在账上。
- Beijing municipality is the only administrative unit where tolls are not charged for China National Highways. 北京市是全国唯一一个不收国道费的城市。
- The SFC defends this practice, saying it was not charged with overseeing investors. 香港证券及期货事务监察委员会为这种做法辩护,称其使命并不包括监督投资者。
- Stewart was not charged since Meagan jumped willingly. Officials from the state Department of Children &Families planned to interview Potter. 由于女儿麦奇是自愿跳桥的,斯图尔特没有被控告。斯图尔特所在州的儿童与家庭部门官员打算还将询问波特具体情况。
- A 22-year-old Zambian woman, Pumulo Mbangweta, who performed the sex act on him in a bush near Mazabuka, was not charged, according to court records. 法庭的文件显示,22岁的赞比亚妇女姆邦维塔曾在郊外的树丛中给塞法斯提供“服务”。但文件没有给出具体的日期。