- The acting was not good enough to redeem the (awfulness of the) play. 该剧(很糟糕), 演得好也於事无补。
- The acting was not good enough to redeem the play. 该剧; 演得好也于事无补.
- I see! I'm not good enough to have a taxi. 我明白了!我不配坐出租汽车。
- For the person who english is not good enough to speak. 对于英语不太好的人,暂时不能开口说的。
- His English is not good enough to make himself understood. 他的英语不够好,还不能清楚表达意思。
- Sorry, my English is not good enough to understand you. 抱歉,我英语不好,理解不了您的意思。
- But you're not good enough to play for the Slovenian National Team? 但是你却没资格在国家队有一席之地?
- Intuitions or the general rules are not good enough to solve this problem. 仅凭感性知识或笼统的规则,这一问题是不会得到解决的。
- It is he who is coming after me; I am not good enough to undo his shoes. 27就是那在我以后来的,我给他解鞋带,也不配。
- A high proportion of candidates get low or unclassified grades(= their work is not good enough to receive a grade). 有很大一部份考生得分很低甚或不获评分。
- Frankly, speaking section is not good enough to secure a TA position. Can try RA or take iBT again. RA就RA吧,再考一次还不一定有这个高呢?本来感觉挺好的,唉,看来水平还是有限。凑合用吧。
- Language is not good enough to describe the charm of volunteerism, so let us praise it with our hearts and souls! 我们甚至无法用语言来描述志愿精神的魅力,就让我们用心灵来讴歌它吧!
- It is not good enough to say I believe I can do it but give up when faced with some hiccups and hindrances. 如果只是说说“我相信!我能做!”,但碰到障碍和坎坷时就放弃的话,是远远不够的。
- I am afraid that I am not good enough to survive in college, or I should say I am afraid I live inferiorly in college. “愿望”?“目标”?太耐无谂过呢个问题啦。一个无目标嘅人究竟可以行得多远呢?
- Would you be good enough to keep silent? 请你保持安静好吗?
- Our Chinese is not good enough to understand what they are saying. Are there any movies with English subtitles? 我们的中文不太好,听不懂台词。请问有英文字幕的电影吗?
- To speak plainly, you are not good enough for her. 说实话,你配不上她。
- Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right? 请你往右边移一点好吗?
- The average millionaire made B's and C's in college, Stanley says. Their average SAT score was not good enough to get into many top-notch schools. 斯坦利说,平均而言,每一位百万富翁作为一名学生的考试成绩都不够进入许多名牌大学的分数线。另外,他们在大学的成绩也不是出类拔萃的。
- The average millionaire made B's and C's in college,Stanley says. Their average SAT score was not good enough to get into many top-notch schools. 斯坦利说,平均而言,每一位百万富翁作为一名学生的考试成绩都不够进入许多名牌大学的分数线。另外,他们在大学的成绩也不是出类拔萃的。