- She embraces an ambition for the cachet of a potent vocabulary with which she can adroitly confound her political opponents and additionally she can express her ideas in the form of blank verse. 一方面,她信奉巧妙运用有力的语汇来击败她的政治对手,另一方面,她能用无韵诗来表达她的意见和想法。
- Infiniti's distant plans currently include a battery-powered compact model, although building it is still very much an ambition for the company rather than a concrete part of the product schedule. 无限的遥远的计划目前包括一个由电池供电的紧凑型模式,虽然建设它在很大程度上仍然是一个野心的公司,而不是一个具体的部分产品的时间表.
- Learning to ski has always been an ambition of his. 他一直渴望滑雪。
- He pampered his ambition for wealth and fame. 他迁就自己谋求富有与名利的野心
- An object of such desire; an ambition. 渴望达到的目标;雄心
- He has a keen ambition for power. 他有着强烈的权力野心。
- Furthermore,i have an enthusiastic service heart and my great ambition for search and study. 更重要的是,我有着一颗热忱的服务心,以及强烈的求知学习抱负。
- Belong to you , the good child with an ambition outstandingly . 优秀属于你,有志气的好孩子。
- The statement laid bare its ambition for world conquest. 这项声明完全暴露了它征服世界的野心。
- One failure after another wiped out his ambition for fame. 一次又一次的失败已彻底摧毁了他想出名的野心。
- A City with a Pioneer Spirit and an Ambition for Development 一个开创精神不灭的的北国城市
- Ambition for personal gain egged the bourgeois careerist on. 个人利欲支配着这个资产阶级野心家的行动。
- To get his colours" is an ambition which every boy should look forward to. 入选运动队,是每一个青少年应有的抱负。
- "To get his colours" is an ambition which every boy should look forward to. 入选运动队,是每一个青少年应有的抱负。
- Ajax striker Klaas-Jan Huntelaar has admitted an ambition to play in Italy. 阿贾克斯前锋亨特拉尔已经承认他渴望到意大利踢球.
- The statement completely laid bare their ambition for world conquest. 这一声明充分暴露了他们企图征服世界的野心。
- I have no ambition for fame and gain. I am not ambitious for fame and gain. 我没有名利野心。
- Water always flows from a higher to a lower level, but everybody has an ambition to rise higher up in society. 水向低处流, 人往高处走。
- And there was an ambition in him which responded to that, an ambition he distrusted. 他内心也不是没有奢望,看到这种前途也不是没有动过心,不过对这种奢望总有些不以为然。
- A rider to the act sketched out an ambition to complement the single market with a single currency. 该法案的附文草拟了成立一个单一货币来补充单一市场的目标。