- Among them, the mundane characteristic of the novel narration is discussed by analyzing the daily life and the appetency of citizens. 其中,从小市民的日常生活描摹和新人类欲望化生存景观的呈现,论述了“世俗化”的叙事形态;
- The essayed phenomenon in Lu Xun's novels refers to the fiction creating from beyond novel narration, usually a satire on current affairs and short in length. 摘要鲁迅小说杂文化现象是指,在鲁迅小说中出现的基本游离于小说叙述之外,篇幅短小,针对当下时事予以讽刺的小说创作现象。
- In describing Sula's identity pursuit, the novel narrates a large amount of historical background and social reality, either present or absent. 作品在描绘秀拉对自我身份的追求和发掘过程时,蕴涵了大量历史背景和社会现实,在小说中,它们要么是现存的,要么是缺席的。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。
- This novel uses the first person in narration. 这部小说采用了第一人称叙述的方法。
- In Modern Chinese Literature, learn from precise English that light literature has used the tactics chatted of guiding, urge China modern novel narrate the innovation of the skill. 中国现代文学中,从精英文学到通俗文学都使用了入话的手法,催动了中国现代小说叙事技巧的革新。
- A biography is a form of narration. 传记是一种记叙文。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 这本小说原先是从一个真实的爱情故事发展而来的。
- The critics looked down their noses at the novel. 这些评论家们都轻视这部小说。
- His latest effort is a poor excuse for a novel. 他最近的作品只是一部劣质的小说。
- He wove four plots together into a novel. 他把四条情节编成一部小说。
- This novel appeared to have been huddled together. 这部小说看来是草草写成的。
- His last novel created a furore among the critics. 他的最近一部小说在评论家中引起了轰动。
- The characters in this novel are rather overdrawn. 这本小说中的人物描写得有些夸张。
- Her jealousy is the mainspring of the novel's plot. 这部小说情节中贯穿了她的忌妒之心。
- STATIC TIME AND FREE NARRATION--Propping into Fei Ming's Time Consciousness and Novel Narration 时间的静止与叙述的自由--废名的时间意识与小说叙事探询
- Her second novel was taken apart by the critics. 她的第二部小说受到评论家的严厉批评。
- The novel and short story are different genres. 长篇小说和短篇故事是不同的类别。