- nozzle seat ring 喷嘴座环
- Seat ring is seal welded to eliminate leak path. 阀座环通过焊接密封,消除泄漏通道。
- Trim numbers with H have cobalt alloy hardfaced seat ring facing. 带有H的阀内件型号具有钴合金硬面阀座环表面。
- Dual Grease Injector at Seat Ring and Wedge of Gate Valve. 闸阀的阀座环和楔形闸板上的双重润滑油注入器。
- Grease Injector at Seat Ring and Disc of Globe Valve. 截止阀的阀座环和阀瓣上的润滑油注入器。
- Electrical pulses pass through the injector winding, and set up a magnetic field that draws the plunger and valve away from the nozzle seat. 脉冲很快,电脉冲通过注油器缠绕,并建立了一个磁场,吸引着柱塞阀原理喷油嘴座。
- Seat ring is progressively crimped on a lathe to imprison the O-ring in it. 在机床上,阀座密封环逐渐起波纹,并将O形环束缚在里面。
- The stainless steel seat ring is manufactured with a slight inside taper. 不锈钢阀座密封环制成内部锥度。
- Replaceable, resilient crimped seat rings. 可更换,弹性波纹阀座环。
- Special extra width, monel seat ring allows for wear without loss of seal. 特别超宽蒙乃尔密封环,经得起磨损而不会丧失密封性能。
- The molded PTFE ring is bonded into a seat ring groove in the face for maximum service life. 这种模铸聚四氟乙烯环粘合在阀座表面的阀座环槽内,最大限度延长使用寿命。
- All gate valves are available with optional PTFE seat rings. 所有闸阀都可以配置备选的聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)阀座环。
- The gate, stem and seat rings are also stainless steel. 闸板、阀杆和阀座环也可以采用不锈钢。
- Stellite takes a high polish and is used in steel valve seat rings. 钨铬钴合金具有很高的抛光度,用作钢阀门的阀座环。
- Seat rings are stellite faced and securely welded in place. 阀座环视钨铬钴合金表面,并且通过焊接方式安全的安装在所在位置上。
- For highly abrasive applications we can supply a replaceable seat ring with a hardfaced knife surface. 对于具有很强研磨作用的流体介质,我们可以提供具有硬面闸刀表面的可更换阀座环。
- There is adjusting disc in the valve. Change the distance between disc and seat ring can change the blowing pressure. 吹灰器的阀门内装有调整盘,改变调整盘与阀阀座环的间隙,可以改变吹灰介质的工作压力。请在吹灰之前现场调节。
- Lift check valve module straight out, taking care not to hit and damage seat ring. 直接将止回阀模块取出,小心不要碰到和损坏阀座环。
- The seat ring may be removed and replaced by pulling out the two wire retainers. 通过取出两个线圈固定器可以拆卸和更换。