- China will not join in the nuclear arms race. 中国不参加核军备竞赛。
- The nuclear arms race should be prevented by the international community. 国际社会应该制止核军备竞赛。
- To replace Trident, when we face no nuclear threat, could start a nuclear arms race. 在我们没有遭遇任何核威胁的时候发展核武器,只会引起新一轮的核武器竞赛。
- China has never participated in any nuclear arms race and never deployed nuclear weapons abroad. 中国从不参加核军备竞赛,也从不在国外部署核武器。
- China does not participate in any nuclear arms race,and never deploys any nuclear weapons beyond its borders. 中国不参加核军备竞赛,也从不在国外部署核武器。
- It would legitimatize renewal by the Soviet Union and therefore accelerate the nuclear arms race. 它将使苏联的重新试验合法化,从而加速核军备竞赛。
- It would legitimatize renewal by the Soviet Union and therefore accelerate the nuclear arms race . 它将使苏联的重新试验合法化,从而加速核军备竞赛。
- Well, we have to end apartheid for one.And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. 某某人:我们必须结束种族隔离,放缓核军备竞赛,停止恐怖袭击和世界饥荒。
- Ever since India began the nuclear arms race in 1974, Pakistan has responded tit-for-tat to every development. 自从印度在1974年开启核武竞赛后,巴基斯坦也以牙还牙地发展核武。
- You say you would like to do something to stop the nuclear arms race so put your money where your mouth is and join the protest march this weekend. 你说你要为阻止核武器竞赛出点力,那么请承担义务,参加这个周末的抗议游行。
- In May 1998, in defiance of strong opposition by the international community India flagrantly carried out nuclear tests, thus provoking a nuclear arms race in South Asia. 1998年5月,印度不顾国际社会的强烈反对,悍然进行核试验,挑起南亚核军备竞赛。
- Critics argue that the RRW is a waste of billions of dollars and could goad other nations into a renewed nuclear arms race. 批评者则认为RRW浪费了数十亿美元,而且可能促使其他国家投入新一代核武竞赛。
- Patrick Bateman: Well, we have to end apartheid for one.And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. 帕特里克:我们必须结束种族隔离,放缓核军备竞赛,停止恐怖袭击和世界饥荒。
- But we must recognize that an escalating nuclear arms race in this region would undermine decades of growth and prosperity. 但是,我们必须认识到,军备竞赛在这个地区的加剧将会破坏几十年来不断扩大的安全与繁荣。
- In May 1998,in defiance of strong opposition by the international community India flagrantly carried out nuclear tests,thus provoking a nuclear arms race in South Asia. 1998年5月,印度不顾国际社会的强烈反对,悍然进行核试验,挑起南亚核军备竞赛。
- Back in 1993,when the terrors of the Cold War were still fresh,the administration decided that the best way to keep the nuclear arms race from heating up again was to get the world's nations to sign a test-ban treaty. 退回到1993年,那时冷战的恐怖仍然令人心悸,该政权决定防止核竞赛再次升温的最佳办法就是让全世界国家签订一个全面禁止核试验公约。
- It has developed nuclear weapons for self-defence,not as a threat to other countries. It has not joined and will not join in the nuclear arms race and has consistently maintained restraint over nuclear testing. 中国的核武器始终以自卫为目的,不威胁别国,不参加核军备竞赛,在核试验方面也始终保持克制。
- It has developed nuclear weapons for self-defence, not as a threat to other countries. It has not joined and will not join in the nuclear arms race and has consistently maintained restraint over nuclear testing. 中国的核武器始终以自卫为目的,不威胁别国,不参加核军备竞赛,在核试验方面也始终保持克制。
- An unlimited arms race may well increase the danger of war. 无限度的武器竞赛当然会增加战争的危险性。
- All those who love peace are strongly against arms race. 所有爱好和平的人都强烈反对军备竞赛。