- nuclear attack capability 核攻击能力
- A nuclear attack could wipe us off the map. 一次核武器攻击就可能使我们从地球上完全消失。
- A nuclear attack on the United States? 约翰逊:对美国的核打击吗?
- The DF-31 provides China with credible and secure second-strike capability, the ability to respond to a nuclear attack with powerful nuclear retaliation. DF-31型导弹使中国拥有了可信度和安全系数都很高的二次打击能力,这是一种在遭受核攻击后进行迅速有力的核反击的能力。
- It would not prove worthwhile to instigate a nuclear attack. 挑起核攻击最终是不值得的。
- Four underwing plus one under fuselage weapons stations enabling air-to-air and air-to-ground light attack capability. 翼下有4个挂架可以挂空空华/地轻型攻击武器。
- In terms of the ideal estimator and typical maneuver trajectory, the submarine stealthy attack capability is presented and detailed. 它刻画出的是“潜艇隐蔽攻击能力的上限”,认识这种上限的数量特性是主要工作。
- Kfir TC2 is the combat-capable two-seat conversion trainer variant of the C2, first flown in February 1981, full attack capability remained. “幼狮”TC2是C2改进而来的双座教练战斗机,1981年2月首飞,具有单座型所有的作战能力。
- The flower people take a very moral attitude but what would they do in the event of a threatened nuclear attack? 鼓吹非暴力和反对军国主义的人士们采取一种非常道义的态度,但如果发生威胁性的核攻击时,它们会干些什么呢?
- The most massive defence system would still leave the nation vulnerable to nuclear attack. 最强大的防卫系统仍然难以防止国家受核武器的攻击。
- This beautiful peace treaty assorted - Bunn as well as shone - Williams are different, because he is a pure center, has the very strong low position attack capability. 这位新秀和约什-布恩以及肖恩-威廉姆斯不同,因为他是一名纯正的中锋,拥有非常强的低位攻击能力。
- The flower people take a very moral attitude but what would they do in the event of a threatened nuclear attack? 鼓吹非暴力和反对军国主义的人士们采取一种非常道义的态度,但如果发生威胁性的核攻击时,它们会干些什么呢?
- A nuclear attack on the U.S. or an ally would provoke an immediate military reply, but what about a HANE? 对美国或盟国进行核子攻击将立即招来军事报复,但如果是高空核爆呢?
- The most massive defense system would still leave the nation vulnerable to nuclear attack. 最强大的防卫系统仍然难以防止国家受核武器的攻击。
- When one nation pursues a nuclear weapon, the risk of nuclear attack rises for all nations. 当一个国家寻求核武器时,所有国家都面临核袭击的更大危险。
- As a deterrent against American nuclear attack, the Chinese have long relied mainly on a handful of intercontinental missiles that are slow to fuel and highly vulnerable. 为了对抗美国的核打击,长期以来,中国主要依赖几枚燃料加注得慢而且十分脆弱的洲际导弹。
- Since then Pakistan army has been using its Al-Zarrar MBT for precision day night attack capability and recently we have been able to watch the video in which an Al-Zarrar tank was shown destroyed. 吉拉尼发表电视讲话说,现在已经到了采取严厉行动,打击武装分子,恢复西北边境省部分地区和平与安宁的时候。"军队的使命,是为了维护国家的神圣和完整,对消除武装,并确保人民安全。"
- Since thenPakistan army has been using its Al-Zarrar MBT for precision daynight attack capability and recently we have been able to watch thevideo in which an Al-Zarrar tank was shown destroyed. 自那时以来;巴基斯坦军队一直在高强度的使用其Zarrar主战坦克最近我们已经能够观看视频;其中一辆Zarrar坦克表明被毁.
- The third chief worry involves burn beds. These special beds would be needed in the event of nuclear attack, and currently the city only has a handful. 让人最担心的第三个方面就是烧伤床位。一旦受到核袭击,就需要这种特种床位,而目前纽约的烧伤床位很少。
- A recent big Russian military exercise, which officials say culminated in a dummy nuclear attack on Poland, highlights the region's vulnerability. 官员们表示,最近俄罗斯的一场大型军事演习,在一次对波兰虚拟的核攻击中达到顶点,突出了该区域的弱点。