- nuclear sub surface burst 地表下核爆炸
- Nuclear sub escape hatch can be opened, Norwegians say. 挪威救难人员表示:核子动力潜艇的逃生舱可以打得开。
- Nuclear sub escape hatch can be opened,Norwegians say. 挪威救难人员表示:核子动力潜艇的逃生舱可以打得开。
- A nuclear sub can build and carry a whole array of nukes. 一个核潜艇可以建造核携带大量的核弹头。
- The skin shader for this model includes Sub Surface Scattering (SSS). 这个模型的皮肤着色器包含的次表面散射(SSS)。
- The term" crash dive" refers to the sudden dropping of a sub to escape detection, an act that a nuclear sub is never supposed to make. 海豹特种部队奉命发动奇袭,登上潜艇跟恐怖分子进行殊死战。
- The magnitude of the hazard from fallout will then be far less than if the explosion were a surface burst. 这时沉降的危险性就比表面爆炸条件下小得多。
- When the Chinese get a SSBN (ballistic missile carrying nuclear sub) operational, the submarine version of the DF31 would be able to cover the entire United States. 当中国获得一个SSBN(弹道导弹核潜艇)操作能力的时候,DF31的海基型会能够覆盖整个美国。
- In a surface burst, the fireball, in its rapid initial growth, will touch the surface of the earth. 在表面爆炸时,火球在其最初的迅速成长过程中,将与地面接触。
- An actual contact surface burst leads to the highest possible overpressures near ground zero. 对于实际接触表面爆炸情况,在地面零点附近可形成最大的超压力。
- In a surface burst, large quantities of earth or water enter the fireball at an early stage and are fused or vaporized. 表面爆炸时,一开始便有大量的泥土或水份被卷入火球中,并熔化或汽化。
- GetVisibleRectangle Created sub surfaces might be clipped by their parents, this function returns the resulting rectangle relative to this surface. 被创建的子表面也许通过他们的父表面被剪切,这个函数返回这个表面与矩形关系的结果。
- It can effectively preclude reflective cracks caused by the sub surface when the glass fiber grill is layed in pavement and also has the good results for repairment of old pavement. 指出加铺玻璃纤维格栅的路面可以有效地防止由基层引起的反射裂缝,对旧路面也有良好的效果。并提出进一步研究的课题。
- The Navy also plans to buy additional submarines, including nuclear subs, and Landing Dock Platform ships for littoral warfare. 此外,印度海军还计划再购买一些潜艇(其中包括核潜艇)以及登陆舰用于滨海作战。
- Nuclear sub escape hatch can be opened, Norwegians say 挪威救难人员表示:核子动力潜艇的逃生舱可以打得开
- Son of a Navy welder who spent thirty years cutting steel for nuclear submarines, he had grown up immersed in the mystique and tradition of nuclear subs and their role in combating communism. 其父是海军的一名焊接工人,整整三十年都用在切割核潜艇用钢上。刚纳从小就被核潜艇的神秘和传说所包围,也了解其在与共产主义作战时所扮演的角色。
- I had to sub for the referee, who was sick. 裁判病了,我得代为裁判。
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。
- This old man is a famous nuclear physicist. 这位老人是一位著名的核物理学家。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。