- nucleated dwarf galaxy 有核矮星系
- Nearly12.5 million light-years away in the dwarf galaxy NGC4449, a veritable stellar" fireworks" is on display. 在近1.;25亿光年远的矮星系NGC4449中,正在展现一场真正的恒星“烟火”。
- Because the dwarf galaxy is so faint, this type of analysis could only be achieved with a large telescope like the Keck, Brodie said. 但为了证明这一点,我们必须证明它们的确是在一起的而不是由于光学透视效应。
- One telltale sign is that black holes are often marked by a compact cluster of stars that surround them, which were pulled from the dwarf galaxy when the black hole escaped. 有证据说明;黑洞的明显标志就是它的周围经常有一群密集的恒星;这是因为黑洞从银河系逃脱的时候所造成的.
- A third inconsistency has to do with the number of dwarf galaxies. 第三项矛盾与矮星系的数目有关。
- It is somewhat unclear, though, whether the ultimate source of this gas is a remnant halo (as proposed by Oort), deep intergalactic space, or even a small dwarf galaxy that the Milky Way swallowed. 虽然如此,我们尚不清楚这些气体的终极来源,究竟是如欧特所倡议的星系冕残留物,是来自星系际空间深处,甚或是被银河所吞噬的小型矮星系。
- We found that in N-body simulations, sattelite haloes can set up a disk-like structure as dwarf galaxies around the Galaxy. 利用数值模拟,发现类银河系的暗晕周围可以存在观测到的矮星系的类似盘状的结构。
- Hierarchical theories predict a proliferation of low-mass dark matter halos and, by extension, dwarf galaxies. 阶式理论预测低质量的黑暗物质晕应该很多,矮星系也是一样。
- Which of the dwarf galaxies we find today were already in existence at the beginning? 我们今日所见的矮星系,哪一个是在很早以前便已存在了呢?
- In the Local Group, as elsewhere in the Universe, however, dwarf galaxies outnumber their larger, shapelier cousins. 在本星系群或者宇宙的其他地方,矮星系都多于形状规则的大型星系同辈。
- For astronomers who study the large-scale structure of the Universe, dwarf galaxies have proven quite vexing. 对研究宇宙大尺度结构的天文学家来说,矮星系很让人恼火。
- Dwarf galaxies like the LMC are considered to be the primitive building blocks of larger galaxies. 像LMC这样的矮星系被认为是构架大型星系的积木。
- Still, many of the small green smudges (see magnified inset) are identified as dwarf galaxies, roughly comparable to the Small Magellanic Cloud. 同时,还有许多小的绿色晕斑(请看扩大的插图)被确认为矮星系,大小与小麦哲伦星云相当。
- A galaxy of film stars attended the premiere. 一群影星参加了首次公演。
- Kleyna grew up on a farm in Maine, enjoys incomprehensible art-house cinema and is now a Parrent postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hawaii, where he mainly studies dark matter in dwarf galaxies. 克莱纳在缅因州的农村中长大,爱看难懂的艺术电影,现在是夏威夷大学的帕伦博士后研究员,其主要研究领域是矮星系里的暗物质。
- There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden. 在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。
- Each galaxy contains myriads of stars. 每一星系都有无数的恒星。
- Theorists believe that the ultraviolet radiation produced by dwarf galaxies during the epoch of reionization heated the cosmic gas and suppressed the formation of new low-mass galaxies. 理论学家认为矮星系于再游离时期产生的紫外辐射会加热宇宙气体,并抑制低质量新星系的形成。
- Venn of the University of Victoria in British Columbia and her colleagues have shown, stars born in dwarf galaxies have a very different chemical makeup from that of typical Milky Way natives. Venn)与她的同事所示,在矮星系里诞生的恒星,具有与一般银河系原生恒星非常不同的化学组成。
- There may be millions of worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy. 银河系中也许有几百万个世界。