- nuda traditio [法] 虚有转让
- Te tero, Roma, manu nuda, date tela, latete! 诸位可以每两个音节一读。
- But the stories and traditio that teach them are unique to each culture. 但是,不同的文化则有不同的故事和传统来教导它们。
- If efforts are made to preserve the concepts and models of traditio... 结论:有必要提出全局性的医院药学信息系统新观点,以适应学科和社会的快速发展。
- Because of the different culture and traditio , supporting the old is different from country to country. 赡养老人是一大社会问题,尤其在中国。作者循序渐近地阐述了自己的观点。
- Who, because of religious and social traditio , eat and do other things with the right hand? 什么人由于宗教和社会传统使用右手吃饭,做事?
- The article will review pharmacologic action and clinical research progression of frequently used traditio... 现将孙教授防治胃癌转移复发临床常用中药的药理作用及临床研究进展作一综述。
- The treating effect was not as good as the deactivating effect and the inhibition percentage of R. hemirubell, A. ellisii, L. nuda were over 70%. 实验真菌的治疗效果总体不如钝化效果明显,治疗效果在70%25以上的有扫把菌、黄虎掌和冬瓜菌。
- Meanwhile,the qualities of similar samples on experimental process were also compared to that of traditio... 结果表明,气浮分离技术用于糖汁提纯,可显著提高糖汁的品质。
- In order to accelerate close canopy of new plantation Phyllostachys nuda forest,fertilization experiment on new growing bamboo was carried. 为了促进新造林的郁闭,对新造石竹林进行施肥研究试验。
- Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditio and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion. 未来主义,二十世纪早期的一个艺术思潮。拒绝一切传统,试图通过强调机械和动态来美化生活。
- The mineral nutrition composition of Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu,Se,P,K,Ca,Mg and Na of Phyllostachys nuda bamboo shoots in Tianmu mountain,zhejiang province was measured. 对浙江天目山石竹笋中的铁、锰、锌、铜、硒等微量元素和磷、钾、钙、镁、钠等常量元素含量作了测定。
- Many offices are virtual beehives1 of social life, complete with their own patter of gift giving, party schedules, and customs and traditio . 许多办公室实际上是社交生活的热闹场所,有自己完备的赠送礼物、安排聚会以及习俗和传统的模式。
- E in mezzo a tutte le tue abominazioni e alle tue prostituzioni, non ti sei ricordata de’ giorni della tua giovinezza, quand’eri nuda, scoperta, e ti dibattevi nel sangue. 你竟宰杀了我的儿女,使他们经火,献给它们。
- The article introduced details about the brewing technique of traditio nal Shanxi aged vinegar, the operating points, as well as the key technique. 该文详细地介绍了传统山西老陈醋的酿造工艺、操作要点及技术关键。
- The integrated DNC system extends the traditio na l DNC system and makes it possible to promote the progress of practical applicat ion of integrated system. 集成DNC系统扩展了传统DNC的含义,为更大规模的系统集成奠定了基础。
- In the recent,more and more application of physical therapy and traditio nal chinese medicine external treatment therapy,these two kinds of therapy has close relation. 物理疗法和中医外治法在医学体系中的应用越来越广,两者之间又有较大的相关性。
- Hamas strongly condemned the kidna ing, as did the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud A as, who said in a statement that it was "foreign to the traditio of the Palestinian people. "哈马斯强烈谴责绑架事件,正如巴勒斯坦领导人马哈茂德。阿巴斯在一次声明中说,绑架“和巴勒斯坦人民的传统无关。”
- The Master's degree program in Business Law focuses for the most part on law studies, providing graduates with a degree at least equivalent to that of a traditio... 大师的商业法学士学位课程为重点的法律大部分研究的一部分,提供了一个大学毕业生,至少相当于传统法学院。
- Accordingly, it was generally believed that traditional liquor was the base of modern liquor and modern liquor was the extension and inheritance of traditio. 现代白酒则依托了高科技,结合传统酿酒工艺,在酒中添加了无色、无味并具有保肝作用的天然植物提取液,使口感仍保持传统白酒的风格。