- Both IMCC and MCC could not from tumor in nude mice 3 months later. IMCC接种后3天接种部位有细胞聚集的团块 ,而 1月和 3月时接种区组织结构与未接种部位无明显区别。
- At last, tumorigenesis assay was undertaken in nude mice in vivo. 进行黑素瘤细胞体外克 隆形成实验观察,计算各组细胞的克隆形成率;
- The ability of tumorigenicity in the nude mice was reduced. 裸鼠体内成瘤能力降低。
- MCF-7/HER-2 c ells and MCF-7 cells were injected into BALB/c nude mice. 免疫缺陷裸鼠 (BALB/c)皮下接种乳腺癌 (MCF -7和MCF -7/HER -2 )细胞 ,其中接种MCF -7/HER -2细胞的裸鼠随机分为 3组 :对照组 ;
- Methods: The nude mice bearing A549 cancer cells were established in vivo. 方法:采用人肺腺癌A549细胞株进行裸鼠移植瘤实验。
- The rates of its tumorigenicity and metastasis in nude mice were evaluated. 该细胞经皮下和肝内接种均可使裸鼠致瘤,并发生肺部转移。
- The animal models with HBV can be obtained by the nude mice injected with 2, 2, 15 carci noma cells. 将2,2,15细胞接种裸鼠,制得抗乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)动物模型。
- The antitumor activity of Ag-CTL and non Ag-CTL in vivo was evaluated in BALB/c nude mice bearing A549 lung cancer. 建立人肺癌细胞株A549荷瘤裸鼠模型,过继回输Ag-CTL和non-Ag-CTL,评价其在体内的抗肿瘤活性。
- The preparation and biodistribution of 188Re-DTPA-DG in nude mice bearing MCF-7 mammary cancer cell are studied. 制备了188Re-DTPA-DG,并观察了其在荷MCF-7乳腺癌裸鼠体内的分布。
- Objective To study the content of 8 mineral elements in the heart,liver and lungs of SPF BALB/c nude mice. 目的对SPF级BALB/c裸小鼠心、肝、肺脏矿物质元素含量的研究。
- STAT3 Decoy ON could inhibit abdomino-plantation and relapse of gastric cancer in tumor-bearing nude mice. STAT3诱饵寡核苷酸对人胃癌裸鼠腹腔种植有明显的抑制作用。
- Administration of Ad-5HRE/hCMVmp-BCD/5-FC could inhibit the growth of 786-0 xenografts in nude mice. 裸鼠移植瘤试验结果显示,Ad-5HRE/hCMVmp-BCD/5-FC可抑制肾细胞癌移植瘤的生长。
- The xenograft in nude mice was performed to examine the effect of tumorigenicity. 以裸鼠移植瘤试验检测体内致瘤性的影响。
- Tumor nodes were observed under the skin of nude mice by heterogenic transplantation. 结论:根据细胞系特征显示该细胞系是一新建的肺鳞癌细胞系。
- Objective To establish a transplantable model of rabbits hepatocellular carcinoma in nude mice. 摘要目的建立兔肝癌裸鼠模型,为兔肝癌可移植模型的建立奠定基础。
- The weight of nude mice was observed and the morphology of tumor cells was observed by electromicroscope. 治疗期间观测裸鼠体重变化,治疗结束后取瘤体称重进行电镜观察。
- Materials and Methods: Breast cancer cells were injected into the right femur of 30 female nude mice. 方法:乳腺癌细胞注射入30只雌性裸鼠的右侧股骨。
- Objective To establish a model of implanted tumor model of human cholangiocarcinoma in nude mice. 目的建立人胆管癌裸鼠移植瘤模型。
- Abstract Objective To explore the establishment for orthotopic implantation model of human glioma cells in nude mice. 摘要 目的 探讨人脑胶质瘤细胞裸鼠原位移植动物模型建立的技术方法。
- A model of transplantable human maxillary sinus squamous cell carcinoma in BALB/cA nude mice has been established. 我们将2例人上颌窦鳞癌分别进行裸小鼠体内移植,共接种裸鼠8只,除2只未生长外。