- A numerical optimization code was developed and applied to the optimization design of a circumferentially curved transonic compressor rotor. 优化结果表明压气机动叶弯曲可以有效地改变流场内的三维激波结构,削弱尾迹损失。
- By combining microwave filter theory with numerical optimization method, several band-pass filters are designed. The results of MMM agree well with that of HFSS. 最后结合微波滤波器的设计理论设计了几种带通滤波器,给出了模式匹配法和HFSS的仿真比较,结果表明仿真数据和模式匹配法所得数据吻合很好。
- Xingsi LI Professor, Doctoral Supervisor Ph.D., Department of Civil Engineering of Liverpool University, UK,1987. Structural Optimization, Structural Reliability Analysis, Numerical Optimization. 博士生导师博士,英国利物浦大学土木工程系,1987结构优化设计,结构可靠性分析,数值优化方法。
- After introducing the concept of MOO,comparing and analyzing the succeeded multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) at current,a new algorithm of steady elimination MOEA is presented to solve numerical optimization. 多目标演化算法的研究目标是使算法种群快速收敛并均匀分布于问题的非劣最优域。
- Via numerical optimization such as the conjugate gradient method or Newton's method. This usually requires first or second derivatives, which have to be evaluated analytically or numerically. 通过如共扼积分法或者牛顿法这样的数值优化方法进行,这通常需要一阶或者导数,导数需要通过解析或者数值方法得到。
- Basing on numerical optimization principles and thermodynamic performance design, efforts were made to optimize the design of finned-tube lubricate heat exchangers used in helicopters. 摘要在直升机肋管式滑油换热器的初步热力性能设计计算基础上,应用数值优化原理,对滑油换热器结构的优化设计进行了研究,建立了结构优化程序。
- The GSE method is inherently recursive and parallel, making its combining with numeric optimization methods specially suit for the optimization of complex, internally coupled systems like aircraft. 该方法本身具有递归和并行特点,使得其与数值优化方法结合起来特别适合于像飞机这类复杂的内部耦合系统的优化。
- Put these invoice in numerical order. 把这些发票按其号码顺序放好。
- A quantity of unknown numerical value. 未知数数值不明的一个数量
- Your army has numerical superiority over theirs. 与他们相比你们的军队占有人数优势。
- Centrifugal Compressor Preliminary Design and Numerical Optimization 离心压气机的初步设计及其优化方法
- Numerical data linearly ordered by magnitude. 按量值大小直线形排列的数字数据
- Hybrid Simplex-improved Genetic Algorithm for Global Numerical Optimization 全局数值寻优的一种混合遗传算法
- International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra 数值优化和数值代数国际学术会议
- Numerical Optimization Analysis of Foundation Stiffness of a Sightseeing Tower 某观光塔基础刚度的数值优化分析
- Numerical Optimization of Blasting Parameters for Increasing Lump Coal Rate 提高块煤率的爆破参数的数值优化
- An equation or inequality relating the variables in an optimization problem. 在优化问题中,一种表示若干变量相互关系的方程(式)或不等式。
- Numerical Optimization of Circulation Distribution on Marine Propellers 船舶螺旋桨叶片环量的数值优化
- Numerical optimization of technical parameters of EMC of aluminum thin strip 铝薄板电磁铸造工艺参数的数值优化