- She'll do her nut when she sees the broken window. 她要是看见窗户破了准得气炸了。
- He drives like a nut he'll kill himself one day. 他开汽车像个疯子--不定哪天就得撞死。
- Old Jim has nearly done his nut over his son. 老吉姆为了儿子的事几乎发疯了。
- Mary found knitting a hard nut to crack. 玛丽发现编织并非易事。
- Gather them and tie them in a knot. 把它们收集起来打成一个结。
- My briefcase was beginning to gather dust. 我的手提箱不怎么使用了。
- He cracked his nut on the ceiling. 他的头让天花板碰破了。
- I gather his past life was not altogether savoury. 我猜想他过去的生活并非十分正派。
- The farmer paid 3 laborers to gather the crop. 农场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
- I am a Clark Gable nut: I have seen all his films. 我是克拉克·盖博的影迷,我看过他演的所有影片。
- It was then a hard nut to crack. 在那时是一桩很棘手的事。
- It was then a tough nut to crack. 在那时是一桩很棘手的事。
- I gather she's ill, and that's why she hasn't come. 我想她是病了,所以没有来。
- Painting the ceiling was a tough nut to crack. 油漆天花板是件难事。
- One of my colleagues likes to eat gingerbread nut. 我的一个同事喜欢吃姜汁饼干。
- The farmer paid 3 labourers to gather the crop. 农场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
- The sheriff ordered the policemen to gather. 警察局长命令警察集合。
- I gather from his words that he is angry. 我从他的话里听出来他生气了。
- A gang of perverts often gather in this bar. 一帮性变态者经常在那个酒吧聚集。
- I gather that he is the one in charge. 我猜想他是负责的人。