- ASDA抯 new nutritional labelling system is just the latest in a long list of initiatives the supermarket has launched to help promote a healthy, balanced diet. ?国宝;阿斯达抯新的营养标签制度是最新的一长列的倡议超市推出,以帮助促进一个健康,均衡饮食。
- Restaurants lobbied successfully to be exempted from nutritional labeling. 餐厅成功地游说政府,不用标示自己产品的营养成份资讯。
- Currently, there are no specific regulations on nutrition labelling for prepackaged food products in Hong Kong. 目前,香港并无特定法例规定预先包装食物须加上营养标签。
- The consumer group says its findings emphasise the need for clearer nutrition labelling on food packaging. 杂志所作的研究发现,许多大超市销售的沙拉甚至比快餐食品和巧克力更不健康。
- Dr Ho Yuk-yin, Consultant (Community Medicine) (Risk Assessment and Communication) explains the Nutrition Labelling Scheme at a public forum. 顾问医生(社会医学)(风险评估及传达)何玉贤在公众谘询会上解释营养资料标签制度。
- Order the healthier items off the menu, pay attention to the nutritional labels, and above all else remember to participate in regular exercise. 健康菜单项命令序幕,注意营养标签而高于一切记参加例行演习。
- Now McDonald's has given consumers looking for fast weight loss another tool: easy to read and easy to find nutritional labels. 现在麦当劳给消费者快速减肥寻找另一个工具:易读易找营养标签。
- Accordingly, any product not required to bear a nutrition label now will be similarly exempt under the new rule. 相应地,任何不要求具有营养标签的产品现在将在新的法规下作相同的免除。
- Yes, nutrition labels are important insofar as we actually use them. 是的,只要我们都是重要的营养标签实际上利用。
- He attached a label to his baggage. 他往行李上贴了一个标签。
- His work is difficult to label accurately. 他的工作很难准确归类。
- Attach the label to your luggage. 把标签贴(系)在你的行李上。
- He'll attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。
- There is a label on the inside of the box. 盒子内侧有个标签。
- The U.S.RDA for folate is the amount of the vitamin used as a standard in nutrition labeling of foods. 一种好的叶酸食物来源应该能供给足量的热量和以某种形式提供至少10%25叶酸的日推荐摄入两。
- Someone has sticked a label on the crate. 有人在板条箱上贴了标签。
- It is very important to precisely analyze the grease content in food for nutrition labeling, and calibration the function gratification et al. 食品中脂类的精确定量分析对营养标签很重要,可用来测定食品是否满足指定要求或与标签内容是否一致。
- Such foods are currently exempt from nutrition labeling, and will remain exempt when the trans fat rule is effective, unless a nutrient content claim is made about the product. 这类食品目前免除营养标签,并将在反式脂肪法规生效时保持免除状态,除非发布有关产品的营养内容声明。
- Research analysis of the nutritional labeling of the asparagus 芦笋营养成分分析研究
- Detection technology for nutritional labeling of the food 食品营养标签标示成分检测技术