- Kimono designer Yuko Iwakuma adjusts a colourful kimono sash, one of her latest works designed and made by a computer and an ink-jet printer at her office in Tokyo on Wednesday. 和服设计师岩熊木绵子周三在东京的办公室,整理一条色彩鲜豔的和服腰带。这是她利用电脑设计及以喷墨打印机制作的最新作品之一。
- obi | kimono sash 装饰腰带[日本和服用
- A young woman wears a kimono with long sleeves and an Obi, a wide silk or brocade sash about 12 feet long and 12 inches wide. 一名年轻女子穿和服水袖;以及与668、广丝绸或织锦绦约12英尺长;12英寸宽.
- "The essential kimono is an ankle-length gown with long, full sleeves and a V-neck.It is lapped left over right across the chest and secured at the waist by a Broad sash known as an obi. 基本的和服是一种齐踝长的、有宽大长袖和V形领的袍服,在胸前将左襟覆盖在右襟上,腰部用一根宽腰带束紧。
- Does this sash tie in front or at the back? 这腰带是在前面打结还是在後面?
- kimono sash 装饰腰带[日本和服用]
- The kimono is part of the national costume of Japan. 和服是日本民族服装的一部分。
- Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unable to cross the intersection. 拐弯时遇见一位身着丝质和服饰带的俏女孩被岔路阻延。
- OBI Management System China Ltd., Co. 欧倍德中国管理系统有限公司。
- John Obi Mikel is no defensive/holding midfielder. 米科尔根本不是一个/控制型中场。
- Does the sash tie in front or at the back ? 这条腰带是在前面打结还是在后面打结?
- She slipped into [out of] a kimono. 她迅速穿上(脱下)和服。
- A suit of race Japan kimono, for Women! 日本和服,精致完美!
- A belt or sash worn around the waist. 腰带绕腰缠裹的腰带或饰带
- I've brought you this kimono as a gift. Look. 我给你带来一件礼物,一件和服,来瞧瞧。
- Does the action kimono of easy Li Qineng use time? 舒丽启能的作用和服用时间?
- Does action kimono of Pan Lisu use time? 泮立苏的作用和服用时间?
- Does the sash tie in front or at the back? 这条腰带是在前面打结还是在后面打结?
- Kimono is the national costume of Japan. 和服是日本的国服。
- Does the sash tie in front or at the back.? 这条腰带是在前面打结还是在后面打结?