- object being motionless “物不迁”
- She stood there being motionless. 她站在那儿,一动也不动。
- POb A constant pointer to the object being stored. 被存储对象的常量指针。
- How many times is a key object being instantiated? 一个关键的对象实例化的时间是多少?
- The object being tested creates a collaborator object. 正在测试的对象创建了合作者对象。
- Still she was motionless, like a curled up, oblivious creature. 可她却仍然不动弹,犹如一只踡缩的,被人遗忘的动物。
- Field to determine the full path of the object being manipulated. 字段来确定正在操作对象的完整目录。
- Various objects were on the table. 桌子上摆着各种各样的物体。
- His legs alone were motionless,it was there that the shadows held him fast. 他在临终时却仍能自主,只是两条腿僵了,他只是在那一部分被幽魂扼制住了。
- His sole object was to heap up riches. 他的唯一目的就是聚积财富。
- The imagined star lights, being motionless, were no longer necessarily to be pinpointed when we woke up at midnight. 这幻成的星光,都不移动,不必半夜梦醒时,再去追寻它们的位置。
- These objectives are certainly attainable. 这些目标一定可以达到。
- Besides, her object was not purely mercenary. 此外,她所追求的目的不单纯是为了金钱。
- Her object was to endear herself to her friend. 她的目标是,使她的朋友喜爱她。
- The object was closed or disposed. 对象已关闭或已释放。
- His primary object was to gain publicity. 他的主要目标就是获得宣传。
- Her principal objective was international fame as a scientist. 她的主要目标是当个有国际声誉的科学家。
- She stood there (being) motionless. 她站在那儿,一动也不动。
- Changes made to the managed object are lost. 对托管对象所做的更改将丢失。
- All this time, as if spell were on him, he was motionless and powerless, exc ept to watch her. 在这整个一段时间以内,他始终象是着了魔,除了注意她而外,他浑身瘫软,动弹不得。