- In your code, create an instance of the object class. 在代码中创建该对象类的一个实例。
- The first two digits of the object ID identify the object class. 对象ID的前两个数字标识对象类。
- Sets the name of the performance object class that you are adding. 设置正在添加的性能对象类的名称。
- Any type derived from the Object class can be assigned to this property. 从Object类派生的任何类型都可以分配给该属性。
- The request is attempting to modify an object class that cannot be modified. 该请求正试图修改无法修改的对象类。
- Creating a value object class is the first part of our RMI solution. 创建值对象类是我们的RMI解决方案的第一个部分。
- MTA object classes range in hex from 01 to 0E. MTA对象类的范围是从01到0E(以十六进制表示)。
- The object class for storage group objects is msExchStorageGroup. 存储组对象的对象类是msExchStorageGroup。
- Any memory profiler can produce snapshots of the heap broken down by object class. 所有内存分析器都可以生成按照对象类进行分解的堆快照。
- The object class of the target does not match the one specified on the command line. 目标的对象类与命令行中指定的不匹配。
- The directory service detected an attempt to modify the object class of an object. 目录服务检测出修改对象类别的尝试。
- The first is the expression to be converted, and the second is the destination data type or object class. 第一个参数是将要转换的表达式,第二个参数是目标数据类型或对象类。
- Performing an explicit conversion is also known as casting an expression to a given data type or object class. 执行显式转换即所谓的将表达式“强制转换”为给定的数据类型或对象类。
- You can also use it to coerce an object class to the type of one of its interfaces, as in the following example. 也可以使用它将对象类强制转换为它的一个接口类型,如下例所示
- In addition, the example shows how to call many of the static and instance methods of the Object class. 此外,该示例还演示如何调用Object类的很多静态方法和实例方法。
- Lists of tables, queries, and forms appear as the pointer clicks each object class name. 当指针单击每个对象类名称的时候会相应地出现表、查询和窗体的列表。
- If the preceding step does not format the type, the type's ToString method, which is inherited from the Object class, is called. 如果前面的步骤未格式化类型,则调用该类型的ToString方法(从Object类继承而来)。
- The following example defines a Point type derived from the Object class and overrides many of the virtual methods of the Object class. 下面的示例定义一个派生自Object类的Point类型,然后重写Object类的很多虚方法。
- Based on it, Sparse Network of Winnows (SNoW) learning architecture is employed to learn to recognize the instances of the object class. 每幅图像都用词表中的组件来表征,在此基础上用稀疏神经网络来训练分类器。
- While adding the object details, ensure that you specify the domain, object class name, properties and weights in the format used in the ObjRecProp. Rftop file. 添加对象详细信息时;请确保使用在ObjRecProp.;rftop文件中使用的格式指定域、对象类名、属性和权重。