- You arrived at your conclusion using the methods of formal logic. 你这个结论是按照形式逻辑的方法推论出来的。
- object of formal logic 形式逻辑对象
- Reorganized to fit a grid of formal logic, and meaning was shorn off the appearance of objects in. 然后进行重组来适应一个形式逻辑的框架;意义也脱离了所知道的客观物体的外观。
- These questions do not test the rote recall of facts from outside the passage, isolated vocabulary items, or rules of formal logic. 这些题不用文章之外去死记硬背独立的词汇和逻辑关系。
- Notre Dame journal of formal logic 圣母大学形式逻辑杂志
- the basic [fundamental] laws of formal logic 形式逻辑的基本规律
- She became an object of worship. 她成了一个被崇拜的对象。
- the dialecticalization of formal logic 形式逻辑辩证化
- Some people work with the sole object of earning fame. 有些人工作以求得名声为唯一的目标。
- An object of ridicule; a laughingstock. 有趣之事滑稽可笑的事物; 笑柄
- Tautology, Basic Laws of Formal Logic and Semi-paradox of Logic 重言式、逻辑规律与准逻辑悖论
- The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without a teacher. 教小孩儿的目的,是要使他没有先生也可以自己做下去。
- The country admits its record of formal schooling. 国家承认其学历的。
- He is a proper object of charity. 他是施舍的适当对象。
- An object of extravagant, short-lived passion. 令人痴迷之物激起强烈而又短暂感情的物体
- The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression. 不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。
- The store deals in objects of domestic utility. 那家商店出售家庭用品。
- The object of the crime of kidnapping is single. 摘要绑架罪侵犯的客体是单一客体。
- This church is the main object of his interest. 他最感兴趣的是这座教堂。
- My object of interest outside of my work is sports. 体育运动是我的业余兴趣。