- He pointed out that a play is not a static object like a picture. 他指出戏剧不像图片一样静止不动。
- You can edit control points to get an object like 4. 你可以编辑控制点得到一个如物体4一样的物体。
- Today's design often contains rectilinear obstacles, like macro cells, IP blocks, and pre-routed nets. 现在的设计内通常都含有许多直角的障碍物,例如区块型模组、矽智财模组及预先绕线好的网路。
- The emblem cannot be displayed as part of another object like a bicycle. 该徽章不能表现出是另一个物体(像一辆单车)的一部分。
- In another the lake of the part, have one? Object like firm person's fish at not know to do what matter. 在另一边的湖中,有一扎人鱼之类的物体在不知做什么事。
- Young children usually have a favorite soft object like a stuffed animal or a blanket. 小孩子一般都喜欢柔软的东西,比如有填充物的公仔或者毛毯。
- Levitate nearly any small object like silks, rope, finger rings, sponge balls, and more! 浮动几乎所有小对象像丝绸、绳索、戒指,海绵球和更多!
- Objects like this turn up at sales with surprising frequency. 这样的东西在拍卖会上出人意料地频繁出现。
- Others go further and include the penetration by an object like a broomstick, a bottle, a vibrator etc. 另有一些立法机构的定义更为广泛,把像扫柄、瓶子和振动器等这样的物体的插入也包括进强奸的定义里。
- But what about multi-valued objects like arrays and collections? 但是向数组和集合这些多值对象怎么办呢?
- TRAIT: This type test- needle machine is wide range auto transfer model, suitable for big size object like bed clothes etc. 特点:该型检针器系宽幅自动输送式,适用于床上用品等大件物品。
- This would enable the hand, for example, to recognise an object like an egg and know how to pick it up without breaking it. 这种技术也许能够使机械手识别出一个像鸡蛋这样的物体,并且知道怎么把它拿起来才不会打碎它。
- Before the speaking faculty is developed, an object like a ball is recognized, even if it barely resembles the balls seen before. 在开发出说话技术之前,一个象球的东西,甚至看上去只是象个球,就已经可以被识别出来了。
- Children mustn't play with dangerous objects like sharp knives or scissors. 小孩子不可以玩危险的物品,例如锐利的刀子或剪刀。
- In large objects like Halley's Comet the nucleus is measured in kilometres. 而别的彗星的彗核比如哈雷慧星的彗核要用千米来计算。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。
- For simple objects like small buildings or vehicles these values are the extents of the object. 对像小建筑物或汽车这样的简单物体,这些值是物体的范围。
- Select the final object for your new macro. 为您的新宏选择最终物体。
- We describe the behavior of large objects like stones or rifle bullets in terms of definite laws. 我们用确定的定律来描述大的物体如石块或步枪子弹的行为。