- Projects a vector from object space into screen space. 将向量从对象空间投影到屏幕空间。
- Projects a vector from screen space into object space. 将向量从屏幕空间投影到对象空间。
- Projects the current vector from object space into screen space. 将当前向量从对象空间投影到屏幕空间。
- Projects the current vector from screen space into object space. 将当前向量从屏幕空间投影到对象空间。
- Projects the specified vector from object space into screen space. 将指定向量从对象空间投影到屏幕空间。
- Projects the specified vector from screen space into object space. 将指定向量从屏幕空间投影到对象空间。
- Points in the object space will be referred to the axes at 00, and points in image space to the axes at 01. 物空间各点以00处各轴为参考系,象空间各点以01处各轴为参考系。
- Also can serve as the upside of almirah store object space, place a few seldom at ordinary times used article. 也可以将衣橱的上部作为储物空间,放置一些平时不常用的物品。
- However, fuzzy equivalence relations provide a way to layer and granulate object space. 这些约简降低了模糊特征空间的维数,避免了冗余规则,降低了模糊规则推理的复杂性。
- Rectify together board be together ark of the head of a bed and lathe bed connection, and was designed enough store object space. 一块整板将床头柜与床身联系在一起,并且设计了足够的储物空间。
- The light gathering power of the interferometer, the etendue in the object space and the conditions of matching one to the another are given. 给出了干涉仪聚光本领、物空间聚光本领及其二者的匹配条件;
- First, points being shaded within the sphere need to be converted from world space coordinates to object space coordinates relative to the sphere. 第一,在球上的被着色点需要去从世界坐标转换到相对于球体的物体空间坐标。
- Store object space breaks up 3, bookcase is inside small study, almirah is inside the bedroom, it is inside the sitting room sundry storeroom. 储物空间分割成3块,小书房内为书橱,卧室内为衣橱,客厅内为杂物储藏室。
- However, the crisp partition of object space can’t be obtained with fuzzy features, which induces to uselessness of existing reduction methods. 这些方法采用逻辑表示与启发式算法,消除了求解中的枚举过程。
- Cloakroom is a woman most dote on, because they are right inside the room store object space is having very big demand, reasonable design is finite the space is very important. 衣帽间是女人最钟爱的,因为她们对房间内的储物空间有着非常大的需求,合理设计有限空间是非常重要的。
- To measure and control object space attitude accurately in the fields of robot control, aircraft control, complex parts assemble and others have been stadied in this paper. 摘要在机器人控制、飞行器控制和复杂零件装配等领域中,均要对物体的空间姿态进行准确的测量和控制。
- According to the force mapping relation between joint space and object space, the generalized force ellipsoid and internal force ellipsoid are proposed. 按照关节空间和物体空间的力的映射关系,提出了广义力椭球和内力椭球。在此基础上,定义了抓持系统的最优抓持能力和最优内力。
- This paper adopts the mass-spring model for dynamic cloth,and proposes a rapid and available method mapped a triangle texture onto another triangle in object space,and realizes antialiasing effect. 该文采用了质点-弹簧模型进行建模,提出一种快速、实用的方法,把纹理空间中的三角形单元映射到景物空间中三角形单元上,并实现了反走样。
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。
- There is plenty of space here to move about. 这里有很大的活动空间。