- That night all doubts about the objective existence of phantasmata were removed forever. 那天晚上,他们关于幽灵是否客观存在的种种疑惑都永远地一扫而空。
- Inter: dispatch of troops to its objective existence of espionage National Urban spying activities. 间:派遣间谍部队对其客观存在国家城市做间谍活动。
- It is no exaggeration to say that a fallacy, but the objective existence of a natural scene. 这不是什么危言耸听的谬论,而是客观存在的必然一幕。
- The everything that the objective exists all can be comprehensive. 客观存在的每一件事都是可以理解的。
- The market is never can saturated, not only it objective existence, also is created. 市场是永远不会饱和的,它不仅客观存在,也是被创造出来的。
- In the simplicity thinking, time reflecting in a certain causality is a kind of special objective existence, it has no direction, and it is reversible. 摘要在简单性思维里,时间客观存在,反映在一定的因果联系中,没有方向,是可逆的;
- The general idea of space design takes the space as the integral and objective existence, which, as a result, has blocked the research on the design of space. 摘要一般的设计空间观念将空间理解成浑然的、客观的存在状态,从而导致空间研究的闭塞与若干关系的隔绝。
- Outskirts of the city as an objective existence,somewhere between urban and rural areas complicated geographical complexes,and its specificity is obvious. 城市郊区作为一个客观存在的、介于城市和农村之间错综复杂的地域综合体,其特殊性是明显的。
- Because the quantity crime is multifarious to appear in judicatory practice,the article analyses the objective existence of quantity prisoner uncompleted in brief. 就数额犯在司法实践中频繁的出现,文章就数额犯未遂的客观存在进行分析。
- This prevents the object from processing data even though the object exists. 这将阻止对象处理数据(即使对象存在)。
- To respect freedom of religious belief is to respect objective existence, objective process and objective law. In this sense, our advocacy of dialectical materialism does not run counter to our respect for freedom of religious belief. 尊重宗教信仰自由,是对客观存在、客观过程、客观规律的尊重,从这个意义上讲,我们主张辨证唯物论与尊重宗教信仰自由并不冲突。
- Matter objectively exists independent of human consciousness. 物质是客观存在,不以人的意志为转移。
- Can Xue holds the point that the objective existence of human being is just an inherent tragical existence, and the spiritual existence includes tragical spirit and overcoming spirit. 在残雪小说中,人的客观存在表现为人是一个与生俱来的悲剧性存在,而人的精神存在则包括两个方面,即悲剧精神和超越性精神。
- Li Yining once again expounded on the "second residential" concept views, he stressed that the concept is not deliberately made economists, but has objective existence, economists only summing up. 厉以宁再次阐述了对“第二套住宅”概念的看法,他强调,这个概念不是经济学家刻意提出的,而是已经客观存在,经济学家只是加以总结而已。
- Complete to the interest consistency made the text critically, spend an analysis to prove be objective existence to the interest is not consistency from isogon of economic theory and rich play chess. 本文对利益完全一致性作了批判,并从经济理论和博弈等角度分析证明利益非一致性是客观存在的。
- Develop a customer call cycle to ensure that customers are visited in a systematic and methodical manner, and ensure that effective call objectives exist for each visit. 制订一套有系统、方法的客户拜访周期计划,并确保每次拜访都有效达到了拜访目的。
- Fot example, if more than 1000 objects exist in the Deleted Objects container, not all objects appear in this container. 例如,如果已删除对象的容器中存在的对象超过1000个,此容器中并不会显示所有这些对象。
- This objective existing decides achieving Xin-Da-Ya has limitation and relativity, resulting in destructuring the idealness of Xin-Da-Ya. 这种客观存在决定了“信达稚”的实现具有相对性和局限性,从而完成对“信达稚”理想化的解构。
- Only then true assurance "objectivity existence" the feasibility, and lays a foundation by this achievement, can to the truthful cognition. 只有真正把握“对象性存在”的现实性,并以此为基础,才能通向真理性的认知。
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。