- Object Petri Nets'Application in Information Security Model 对象Petri网在信息安全建模中的应用
- objective petri net 对象Petri网
- Object Petri net (OPN) 对象Petri网
- Object petri net 对象派粹网
- object Petri nets 对象Petri网
- This paper discusses how to simulate Turing machine by Petri net from the viewpointof information transformation. 本文从信息变换的角度来阐明“如何用Petri网模拟Turing机”。
- Petri Net, Finite State Automata (FSA), IDEF3 and State Charts are traditionally used for behavior modeling. Petri Net、有限自动机、IDEF3和状态图是常用的行为建模方法。
- Petri net becomes the extended Petri net (EPN) by introducing the extended description of timed places and tokens. 通过导入“时间Place”和“象征”的附加描述,使Petri网成为扩充的Petri网(EPN);
- The second one is reduction verification, whose research results on Petri net and workflow graph are given. 讨论了过程合理性验证和化简验证技术等;
- The controller enforced a set of inequality constraints on the reachable markings of the Petri net model. 提出了一种加入线性不等式约束的卡尔曼滤波方法,并用于涡扇发动机的健康状况估计。
- Petri net is a kind of model which can be used to analyze many kinds of systems. 随著资讯时代的进步,各类系统愈来愈复杂,分析这些系统正确性的方法好坏变得很重要。
- Finally, Utilizing Petri Net comprehensive technology amalgamate each coloured Petri Net module, and become a large-scale comprehensive Petri Net. 最后利用Petri 网综合技术将各个替代子网模块合并成为一个大型的综合Petri 网。
- The performance evaluation on a triple layered LEO/MEO/GEO satellite network is carried out by Petri Net based analysis and software simulation. 基于Petri网模型方法和仿真方法 ;对一种低轨 /中轨 /同步地球轨 (LEO/MEO/GEO)三层卫星网络进行了性能分析 .
- In addition, the mapping relationship between main processes of CSP(Communicating Sequential Processes) and petri net is proposed. 此外,我们还分析和提出了CSP(通信顺序进程)理论中主要进程与Petri网之间的映射关系。
- In this paper, Petri net is defined by net graph, and by introducing the "time place" and "token", Petri net becomes enlarged Perti net (EPN). 本文以图的形式给出 Petri网的定义 ,通过导入“时间Place”和“标记”的附加描述 ,使 Petri网成为扩充的 Petri网 (EPN)。
- In this paper, a new temporal model , hierarchically timed petri net (HTPN), is proposed through incorporating the deadline constraints into TPN. 对活动增加截止期限的约束条件并验证可达情况,是人们在实际应用中对工作流系统提出的新要求。 本文提出了一种基于层次时间petri网的工作流模型。
- There have many representation proposed in literature, among them control flow graph (CFG) and Petri net are two typical ones. 它能够简洁、有效而又不丢失有用信息地表示并发程序。
- Petri net has the directness of graphics and the preciseness of mathematics, being very fit for the description and analysis of complex logic system. 课程期间我们将检视数种学习技巧在一些领域上的应用如电脑视觉、脑绘图、据库搜索和时间数列分析与预测。
- Abstract Regard to the discrete events during the continuous chemical process , a new method of using hybrid Petri net was proposed in this paper. 摘要 针对连续化工生产过程中混杂的离散事件,提出了基于混合佩特里网的建模方法。
- Gu, T., and Bahri, P.A.,2002 , “A survey of Petri net applications in batch processes” , Computers in Industry, Vol.47,pp.99-111. 王漪夆,2004,派屈网模式在批次操作安全分析上的应用,国立成功大学,博士论文。