- objective video quality metric 视频质量客观测量方法
- objective video quality measurement 图像质量客观测试
- Video Quality Metric 视频质量量度
- Objective Image Quality Metric for Compressed Video 压缩视频图像质量的客观测量方法
- In software product evaluation, the action of applying a software quality metric to a specific software product. 在软件产品评价技术中,对特定软件产品进行软件质量度量的活动。
- Edit your scenes without the fear of degrading the video quality. 编辑你的场面无惧有辱人格的视频质量。
- The JND model is one of classic metrics in objective perceptual video quality research. 摘要基于全参考的JND(刚辨差)模型是视频图像质量客观评价算法中的一个经典算法。
- Method for Video Quality Evaluation Based on HVS Properties[J]. 引用该论文 袁飞;黄联芬;姚彦.
- Video quality is superior to movies watched through Internet streaming. 影视质素比透过互联网流媒体观看电影要好。
- Perceptual Quality Metric for Compressed Video 压缩视频感觉质量的计算
- The PCS-1 provides built-in Sony QoS technology to help ensure and enhance video quality over unmanaged networks. PCS-1为确保及增加在难管理的视频品质提供了内置QoS技术。
- Nero Recode 2 will automatically fit the video quality to the playback possibilities of the PSP. Nero Recode 2会自动调整视频质量,以适合PSP播放。
- WVC200 also supports MJPEG compression for video, providing good video quality at high bandwidth rates. WVC200还支持MJPEG压缩在高帧频时提供更好的视频信息!
- Making this buffer larger can increase video quality but will result in an increased latency during encoding. 增大缓冲区可以提高视频质量,但也会导致编码时的等待时间延长。
- EGT’s MPEC-2 digital video encoder uses advanced compression techniques to deliver superior video quality. ,已经在世界范围内(包括美国、加拿大、欧洲)得到广泛认可,市场占有率逐年大幅度增长。
- Flexible Macroblock Ordering(FMO) feature of the H.264/AVC codec improves the decoded video quality remarkably. H.;264/AVC标准引入的灵活宏块排列机制可以显著改善解码重建视频的质量。
- Providers can ensure video quality by applying algorithmic compression techniques such as chroma subsampling, which uses color variation undetectable to the human eye. 供应商通过应用诸如色彩子取样等算法压缩技术确保视频的质量,所谓的色彩子取样使用了人眼观察不到的颜色变化。
- This feature helps maintain audio and video quality, and helps prevent picture collapse even under high network traffic conditions. 这个特性有助于维持音频各视频品质,帮助防止图像在繁忙网络交通状况下崩溃。
- Exposure to any interference in the environment will reduce the impact of video quality and overall system performance and product reliability. 暴露在任何干扰环境下都会降低视频质量并影响系统的整体性能及产品的可靠性。
- Research and Analyze Software Quality Metric 软件质量度量研究及其分析