- He drew an oblique line on paper. 他在纸上划了一条斜线。
- oblique arytenoid 杓斜肌
- oblique arytenoid muscle 杓斜肌
- She made an oblique reference to her own affairs. 她转弯抹角地提起她自身的事。
- He made oblique references to her lack of experience. 他拐弯抹角地说她缺乏经验。
- He made an oblique reference to his work. 他拐弯抹角地提到了他的工作。
- To drive(a nail or spike) at an oblique angle. 斜钉以一个倾斜的角度钉(钉子或大钉)
- Having oblique lines or markings. 斜纹的带有斜线或斜记号的
- His response to my first memorandum was oblique. 他对我的第一份备忘录的答复是闪烁其词的。
- She gave an oblique look to one side. 她向旁边斜看了一眼。
- Having a slanted or oblique direction. 斜的带有偏斜的或倾斜方向的
- The oblique rays of the winter sun. 冬日里的太阳斜撒下来的光线。
- To set at an oblique angle;tilt. 使倾斜给一个倾斜的角;使倾斜
- Gave oblique answers to the questions. 给这个问题骗人的回答
- Anna gave an oblique look to one side. 安娜向一边斜看了一眼。
- To set at an oblique angle; tilt. 使倾斜给一个倾斜的角;使倾斜
- Disk annular, oblique, sometimes tiny or absent. 花盘环状,偏斜,有时极小的或无。
- Acute and obtuse angles are oblique angles. 锐角和钝角都是斜角;
- He was not being purposefully oblique. 他并非故意拐弯抹角。
- He drew an oblique line form one corner of the paper to the other. 他从纸的这角到另一角画了一条斜线。