- He read back the list of name to me, and I checked them off one by one. 他把名单给我再念一遍,我一一进行核对。
- Read over that list of names for me, please. 请把那份名单给我念一遍吧。
- Contains the stack of name entries. 包含名字项的堆栈。
- The length of name exceeds 1024 characters. name的长度超过1024个字符。
- I will never do this under all sorts of names. 我不会以各种各样的名义做这件事。
- Value that specifies the type of name encoding. 值,它指定名称编码的类型。
- This list of names has a few omissions. 这名单有若干缺漏。
- obliteration of name [法] 涂改姓名
- He rattled through the list of names. 他口中像爆豆一般念那名单。
- The general public still thinks in terms of the obliteration of cities. 普通群众仍旧从城市的毁灭上思考问题。
- The result of these invasions was the near obliteration of ancient Egypt. 这几次入侵使古代埃及几遭毁灭。
- The obliteration of the grotto was not only possible, but relatively easy. 摧毁山洞不但可能,而且易如反掌。
- We have various kinds of name cards. Please look at the samples. 我们有各种类型的名片,请看样品。
- The obliteration of misery will be accomplished by a simple elevation of level. 贫困的消灭将由水平的一次简单提高而得以完成。
- He called off a list of names to find out whether any of us had been left out. 他读了一下名单,看看我们中间是否有人被遗漏了。
- HIVD between L4/S, with obliteration of left intervertebral foramen. 第四和第五腰椎间有椎间盘突出,左边椎间孔有闭塞的情况。
- HIVD between L4/5, with obliteration of left intervertebral foramen. 在第四和第五腰椎间有椎间盘突出,左边椎间孔有闭塞的情况。
- I usually buy generic clothes instead of name brands. 我通常买普通的衣服,不买名牌。
- You can verify a set of name records on specific servers. 您可以在特定的服务器上验证一组名称记录。
- We have various kinds of name cards.Please look at the samples. 我们有各种类型的名片,请看样品。