- An exaggerated or obsessive concern or fear. 夸大的或过激的担心或恐惧
- obsessive concern or fear 无法摆脱的忧虑或恐惧
- A source of nagging concern or uneasiness. 忧虑的事令人烦恼不安的担忧或不安的原因
- Solace in time of grief or fear. 慰藉在悲伤和惧怕时的安慰
- How to express concern or respond to one's concern? 如何表达忧虑或回应他人的忧虑?
- To crowd together, as from cold or fear. (出于寒冷或恐惧)挤在一起
- Hatred or fear of change or innovation. 厌新症,革新嫌忌对变化或革新的嫌忌或恐惧
- For over 43 years, KEP employees have consistently shown an obsessive concern about our customers. 过去43年, kep员工始终表现出一种强迫性的关注我们的客户。
- Anxious or fearful about the future; uneasy. 担心的,忧虑的对未来焦虑或恐惧; 不安的
- Even anger or fear is merely a matter of the supply of adrenalin. 甚至于愤怒或恐惧也仅是副肾素(adrenalin)分泌量的问题。
- Today's obsessive concern with a rising China wasn't anticipated in 1994 when WTO members agreed to ditch the complex quotas. 1994年,当世贸组织成员同意废除复杂的配额制时,他们没有料到今天会为一个崛起的中国大伤脑筋。
- To be overcome or crushed, as by grief, dismay, or fear. 崩溃被(悲痛、沮丧或恐惧等)压倒或击溃
- To be overcome or crushed,as by grief,dismay,or fear. 被悲痛、沮丧或恐惧等压倒或击溃。
- But in times of trouble,in times of worry,doubt or fear... 但是在那些困难的时期,焦虑的时期,怀疑和恐惧的时期。。。
- Homophobia is commonly defined as hatred or fear of homosexuals. 同性恋恐惧一般上被定义为对同性恋的惧怕或憎恨。
- Violence is a sign of weakness or fear,not a sign of strength or confidence. 暴力是懦弱或恐惧的迹象,不是力量和信心的表征。
- Tell me about the time you voiced a concern or disagreement to a team member, classmate, or coworker. 告诉我你怎么对一个团队或者是同学同事表达你的顾虑和反对的意见的?
- an obsessive concern for neatness 好整洁癖
- Violence is a sign of weakness or fear, not a sign of strength or confidence. 暴力是懦弱或恐惧的迹象, 不是力量和信心的表征。
- The Buddhistic view on death is worth those researchers who pursue death education to concern or research . 佛教对死亡的看法是值得推行死亡教育者去关心与研究的。