- Obstruction of intestine by gallstone 胆石性小肠梗阻
- Obturation obstruction of intestine 闭塞性肠梗阻
- Strangulation obstruction of intestine 绞窄性肠梗阻
- Gallstone ileus; Obstruction of intestine by gallstone 胆石性小肠梗阻
- And the obstruction of ureter was improved. 输尿管梗阻得到改善。
- Your interference is an obstruction of justice. 你的干预阻碍了正义。
- Obstruction of the door can be dangerous. 门口堵塞,危险。
- The surgical treatment of left colonic carcinoma complicated with obstruction of intestine 左半结肠癌并急性肠梗阻的外科治疗
- A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas. 屁从肠内排出的(通常有声音的)气体
- Obstruction of the bile duct is associated with cholangitis. 胆管梗阻能并发胆管炎。
- obstruction of intestine 肠梗阻
- Causing expulsion of intestinal worms;anthelmintic. 驱肠虫的;抗蠕虫的
- Another case had Abdominal cocoon(AC),found in the operation of i ntestine obstruction ,and had performed thesubtotal capsulectomy ,enterolysis an d plication of intestine. 结果:两例病例分别随诊6年、3年,均未再出现肠梗阻表现,预后好。
- OBstruction of an artery to the Brain may cause stroke. 若向脑供血的血管被堵塞,可引起中风。
- Unilateral cases may involve obstruction of the foramen of Monro. 也有特例是蒙罗氏小孔阻塞引起的。
- Causing expulsion of intestinal worms; anthelmintic. 驱肠虫的;抗蠕虫的
- Enterectomy is necessary if it has a part of intestine tube necrosis. 如果有肠管坏死必要时行肠管部分切除术。
- Obstruction of the ileum by stone leads to distinct clinical pictures. 回肠胆结石梗阻可引起各种明显的临床征象。
- A scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted obstruction of justice. 水门事件包括共和党官员滥用权力、违背公众信任、贿赂、蔑视国会及企图防碍司法的丑闻
- The acute abdominal pain of intestinal obstruction usually fluctuates. 肠梗阻时的急性腹痛常不稳定。