- My sister pay me occasional visit. 我的妹妹偶尔来看我。
- He spent five years in Paris, with occasional visits to Italy. 他在巴黎度过了五年,偶尔去意大利看看。
- Do you pay occasional visits to your friends and relatives? 你会偶尔探访一下亲友吗?
- He pays me occasional visits. 他偶尔来看看我。
- The few treats most students could afford were occasional visits to the movies or the theater. 学生们能担负得起的几种请客方式,就是偶尔地去一趟电影院或剧院。
- She looked forward to the occasional visits of the minister, Robert Ayers, who was a Methodist circuit rider. 她盼望着卫理公会教派骑马巡回的罗伯特?埃亚牧师的偶然造访。
- At this moment of farewell, we sincerely hope you will take good care of yourself and pay us an occasional visit in the near future. 临别之际,衷心盼望您能保重身体,偶而光临例会,让我们看到您的神采。
- I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window, or something you occasional visit during the weekend. 参考翻译:总认为乡村是透过火车车窗看到的那个样了,或偶尔周末去游玩一下景象。
- The only honourable way to pass a law exam is to make a few notes on the cuff and take a quick shufti at them during the occasional visit to the bog. 录小抄于袖口,若偶然陷入泥潭,挥袖撇之,若非如此,考试体面成绩无从得也。
- She visits the city on occasion. 她有时到城里去。
- I've had no occasion to visit him recently. 我最近无需去看他。
- The rabbi makes pastoral visits every Tuesday. 犹太教教士每星期二对教友进行访问。
- The rule is inapplicable to this occasion. 那规则对这一场合不适用。
- All the solemnities of the occasion were observed. 那种场合下应该具有的一切庄重的仪式都举行了。
- Nevertheless, it is known that Hindu ascetics occasionally visited Greece. 然而,众所周知,印度的苦行僧偶然会拜访希腊。
- I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window, or something you occasionally visit during the weekend. 总认为乡村是透过火车车窗看到的那个样了,或偶尔周末去游玩一下景象。
- She needed an occasional prompt. 她需要不时给予提示。
- He had perked himself up for the occasion. 他为此事打扮了一番。
- I enjoy an occasional night out at the theatre. 我偶尔晚上出去看看戏。
- A funeral is a melancholy occasion. 葬礼是一个令人忧伤的场合。