- Abstract: Objective To investigate the effects of radiation on liver, kidney and heredity function in occupationally exposure workers. 摘要:目的 研究放射线对接触者肝肾功能及遗传的影响。
- Air pollution, exposure to radon, and occupational exposure to asbestos hae all been implicated in lung cancer risk. 虽然空气污染(例如氡)和职业病(如吸入石棉)都是肺癌发生的重要危险因素。
- We should give greater attention to indoor and occupational exposure of lung cancer victims. 我们应该对肺癌死亡者的室内暴露和职业暴露予以更大的注意。
- It is up to the astute clinician to evaluate these changes and to relate them to occupational exposure. 机敏的医师可以估价这些变化,并找出它们与职业性暴露的关系。
- Objective To investigate medical staff occupational exposure to HIV and post exposure prophylaxis. 目的探讨医务人员艾滋病病毒(HIV)职业暴露及暴露后的预防用药。
- Liver injury due to occupational exposure through inhalation and skin contact have been sporadically reported. 但经由呼吸道、皮肤及消化道的过度摄取常会导致肝伤害。
- Objective The relationship between occupational exposure to acrylonitrile(ACN) and aging of workers was studied. 目的探讨丙烯腈对职业接触工人机体衰老的影响。
- Poisoning via the skin can easily be misdiagnosed suggesting some cases of occupational exposure are missed. 透过皮肤中毒的案例容易误诊;可能令一些职业中毒事故没被察觉.
- Occurs mainly in adults and is often related to occupational exposure through the skin in cuts or abrasions while handling infected pig carcasses. 细菌可经破损的皮肤进入人体,例如是当处理受感染猪只的尸体时所造成的皮肤伤口或磨损。
- Occupational exposure to low level mixture of benzene, toluene and xylene is harmful to nerve system, reproductive system, cutis and mucous membrane. 职业接触低浓度混苯可损害神经系统、生殖系统、皮肤黏膜。
- Conclusions: The role of occupational exposure to transmissible agents and exposure to fumes from the wrapping machine warrants further investigation. 结论:应进一步探讨职业上的传染媒介物暴露及来自包装机的熏烟暴露所扮演的角色。
- Objective To effectively prevent and control the work of medical personnel in the occupational exposure in HIV infection. 目的有效预防和控制医务人员在工作中发生职业暴露感染艾滋病病毒。
- What do radiation experts really think are reasonable dose limits for occupational exposure? //Radia. Prot. Manag. 20(4), 2003, 4p. 辐射专家对职业照射的合适剂量极限真正思考些什么?
- Safe occupational exposure leels for diacetyl and many other flaoring chemicals hae not been established, the CDC noted. 联乙酰和其他香精化学物质的安全暴露水平还没有确定,疾病控制和预防中心称。
- Ojbective To probe the relationship between the serum lead of the copper smeltery workers and the occupational exposure. 目的探讨铜冶炼工人血铅与职业性暴露关系。
- Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapor or mists. If exposure may of does exceed occupational exposure limits, use a NIOSH approved respirator to prevent overexposure. 避免过长或重复呼吸其蒸气或烟雾,若超过职业暴露限制,请佩戴NIOSH确认的呼吸器。
- The data suggested that the mutation allele of UGT2B7 could affect individual's susceptibility to bladder cancer in the case of benzidine occupational exposure. 此结果表明:突变的UGT2B7等位基因能影响到个体的膀胱癌易感性。
- The gene-environment interaction between CYP2C19 EMs and smoking, occupational exposure and addicted to meat consumption could increase the risk of BC significantly. CYP2C19EMs与吸烟、职业暴露和嗜食肉食3个环境因素存在基因-环境交互作用,影响膀胱癌的发病。
- I threatened him with public exposure. 我威胁说要向公众揭发他。