- Similarity Analyses of Ocean Internal Wave Research 海洋内波的相似性分析
- Influence of Ocean Internal Wave on Propagation of Radiation Noise 海洋内波对辐射噪声传播的影响
- Hydro-dynamical Calculation of Spheroid Traveling in the Ocean Internal Wave 球体二层海内波中一阶波浪力计算
- Infrared imagery of ocean internal waves 海洋内波的红外成象
- The calculated force of the underwater body in the two-layer ocean internal wave 潜体在两层海内波中的波浪力计算
- Modeling and Simulation of Disturbed Movement of Slender Submerged Body in Stratified Ocean Internal Wave 细长潜体在层化海洋内波中受扰运动建模与仿真
- Disturbance of water sound field by ocean internal waves 海洋内波对水声场的扰动
- ocean internal wave 海洋内波
- Energy Transfer within the Small-Scale Oceanic Internal Wave Spectrum 在小尺度海洋内部波谱中能量输送
- The numerical simulation shows that the modal wave number tomography can be used to invese the average SSP of the cold water mass. Therefore,it shows potential for monitoring ocean internal structure which is range dependent. 数值模拟结果表明 ,简正波波数层析可以用于反演平均声速剖面 ,特别在监测与距离有关海洋环境的声速结构方面大有潜力。
- ocean internal waves 海洋内波
- Design of high sensitive shadowgraph system for internal wave visualization[J]. 引用该论文 张明照;王伯雄;罗秀芝;刘国忠;刘振江;余超.
- Keywords Oceanic internal waves;Coriolis force;Ocean remote sensing;SAR imaging simulation;Parameter retrieval.; 海洋内波;科氏力;卫星遥感;成像仿真;内波参数反演;
- A problem on internal waves generated by moving Rankine ovoid in stably arbitrary stratified flow and in the stably stratified ocean is studied in present thesis. 本文研究的是任意稳定分层流体中,也含盖任意稳定分层海洋中,由运动的Rankine卵形体所生成的内波这一科学问题。
- The third and forth parameters are the size of the internal wave buffers and the number of buffers to allocate. 第三个参数和第四个参数是关于内部音频缓冲区的大小和分配的个数。
- At present the research of the deep water tractive current deposition mainly focus on contourite and internal tide, internal wave deposition. 目前深水牵引流沉积的研究主要集中于等深流沉积和内潮汐、内波沉积。
- This creature lives in the depth of the ocean. 这种生物生活在海洋深处。
- The astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean. 那些宇航员们溅落在太平洋中。
- In this experiment, typical pycnocline-type profiles are employed, and the internal waves are generated by a wave maker designed by the authors. 实验中的密度分层采用典型跃层型剖面,而内波是由自行研制的造波机生成。
- The ocean lanes are always busy. 远洋航路总是很繁忙。