- C.S. Chern, G.S. Song and J. Wang (1985) Oceanographic investigation in the vicinity of Taichung thermal power plant. NTUIO. Special publication No.47 p.246. 宋国士(1980)台湾西部海域沉积物物理性质与动力性质之研究,国立台湾大学海洋研究所硕士论文。
- The accident is under investigation. 这一事故正在调查之中。
- It's only the initiative of the investigation. 这仅仅是调查的开始。
- The matter is under investigation. 事情正在调查中。
- Investigation of fraud was their commission. 调查诈欺舞弊是他们的任务。
- Further investigation revealed that he was guilty. 进一步侦查显示他是有罪的。
- The investigation was tabled for reasons unknown. 不知何故调查延缓进行。
- oceanographic investigation 海洋调查
- Some of us often neglect such investigation and study. 我们有些人常常忽略了这类调查研究。
- He has promised a thorough investigation into the affair. 他已答应彻查此事。
- The superintendent ordered a thorough investigation of the case. 警长命令对这一案件作彻底调查。
- The investigation revealed one assailable point in his life. 调查的结果暴露了他生活中的一个可訾议地方。
- The minister decreed that there should be a full investigation. 这位部长命令要作详细调查。
- Albert Bradley at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Bradley博士指导的。
- He sparkplugged the investigation of corruption in the town. 他发动了对该城腐败情况的调查。
- He drew the conclusion by building on his own investigation. 他根据自己的调查研究作出了这个结论。
- Reinforcing oceanographic technology research and development. 加强海洋科学技术研究与开发。
- We were greatly aided in our investigation by the cooperation of the police. 我们在调查的过程中得到警方的大力协助。
- Scientists are conducting an investigation into the causes of the accident. 科学家们就事故的原因正展开调查。