- of ones own free willadj. 自动地(自愿地;根据自己的愿望)
- I came here of my own free will. 我是自愿到这里来的。
- I am going of my own free will, no one has ordered me to go. 我是自愿要去的,并没有人命令我去。
- If he refuses to leave town of his own free will, the boys will run him out. 如果她拒绝自愿离开城区,孩子们将会把他赶出城。
- She separated from him of her own free will. 她是自愿和他分开的。
- Everyone did the work of his or her own free will. 大家都志愿做这项工作。
- It must not be imagined that one fine morning all the treasures you want will come to you of their own free will. 不能设想,在一个晴朗的早上,你想要的财宝会统统自动来到你身边。
- Nigel helped me of his own free will. 奈杰尔帮助我是出于自愿。
- Did you come here of your own free will? 你来这儿是出于你自己的个人意愿吗?
- She did it of her own free will. 她做那件事是出于自愿的。
- Nobody forced him to do it; he did it of his own free will. 谁也没有强迫他,是他甘愿这么做的。
- I am going of my own free will,no one has ordered me to go. 我是自愿要去的,并没有人命令我去。
- I didn't ask him to go,he went of his own free will. 我没有要求他去,他是出于自愿的。
- To perform or offer to perform a service of one's own free will. 志愿由某人自己意愿进行或要求进行的服务。
- These adjectives mean being or resulting from one's own free will. 这些形容词的意思是作为或由某人自愿导致的。
- The victory or defeat of netwar is decided to a large extent by the advantage or disadvantage of the performance of netwar equipment,which embodies the capability of ones own netwar equipment. 战争的胜负很大程度上取决于所拥有的网络战装备性能的优劣,具体体现在其所具有的网络战装备能力,而网络战装备的能力必须有相应的网络战装备技术来保障。
- If he refuses to leave town of his own free will,the boys will run him out. 如果他拒绝自愿离开城区,孩子们将会把他赶出城。
- If you refuse to leave of your own free will,the boys will run you out of town. 如果你拒绝自愿离开,孩子们将会把你赶出城。
- He planked his heavy bag of on the table. 他将沉重的书袋放在桌子上。
- Be aware of your inner power and joy of creating of your own free will. 知道你的内在力量与欢乐,由你自己的自由意志创造。