- Which is of secondary importance? 其次是哪个?
- It's a question of secondary importance. 这是个次要的问题。
- Experience is what matters,age is of secondary importance. 重要的是经验,年龄是次要的。
- Cartoonists are considered by some to be artists of secondary importance. 漫画家被有些人认为是第二等重要的艺术家。
- For spawning, other water values appear to be of secondary importance. 为产卵外,其他水价值观似乎是次要的。
- Once a critical point in the development process has been reached, land becomes of secondary importance. 当发展过程达到一个转折点后,土地就成为次要的了。
- Matters of secondary importance can be left to the leading Party groups in government departments.It just won't do for the Central Committee to monopolize everything. 次要的问题,可以由政府部门的党组去办,一切问题都由中央包下来就不行。
- I feel the primary reason for practicing kung fu is for health reasons. Defense is of secondary importance and hurting others is absolutely unacceptable. 我觉得练武的首要目的在于锻炼身体,其次是防身,至于用来伤人是万万不可以的。
- As a coating in cargo holds and similar areas, when solvent emission must be avoided; and on steel exposed to abrasion, where full colour retention is of secondary importance. 用于货舱等不能有溶剂挥发的部位以及主要要求耐磨而无须优良保色性的钢件上。
- High quality match action for his fit outfield players, no more significant injuries picked up, and even the result, always of secondary importance at this stage, was the right one. 对于他适合出场的球员们有了一场高质量的比赛,没有重大的伤病出现,甚至是在这类比赛中往往是第二位的结果也是好的。
- Her age is of secondary interest. 她的年龄不太重要。
- Except for the most urgent and exceptionally important information,supplying information is of secondary importance; it should only be done secretly and only if it does not affect fulfilment of the basic tasks. 至于供给情报,应该是次要的,只能在不妨碍其基本任务与秘密条件下才可以去做,或只供给带紧急性的特殊重要性的情报。
- Except for the most urgent and exceptionally important information, supplying information is of secondary importance; it should only be done secretly and only if it does not affect fulfilment of the basic tasks. 至于供给情报,应该是次要的,只能在不妨碍其基本任务与秘密条件下才可以去做,或只供给带紧急性的特殊重要性的情报。
- A volume is a standard unit of secondary storage. 卷是辅助存储设备的一种标准单位。
- Name of Secondary School College. 中学及大学院校。
- IV) Prevention of secondary disaster. (四)严防发生次生灾害。
- Lignin is a characteristic component of secondary walls. 木质素是次生壁成份的特征。
- The gas and petrol are examples of secondary fuels by which coal and oil may be more effectively used. 焦炭,煤气和汽油是更加有效地利用煤和石油的第二级燃料的范例。
- He emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他强调小心驾驶的重要性。
- NH3-N,NO2-N and DO were secondary important pollutants. 第二主因子的主要代表指标是氨氮、NO2-N和DO;