- Students can choose to live on or off campus. 学生也可以选择住在校外。
- Why Living Off Campus Is Popular? 校外租房何以流行?
- Are the restaurants off campus expensive? 校外的餐厅会不会很贵?
- Barry: Kev, let's go off campus for lunch. 柯文,我们去学校外吃午饭吧。
- Off campus, they faced hostility.Brig. 在校园之外,他们遭人敌意。
- But the disadvantage is that renting off campus is more expensive. 但是坏处是,在校外租房子要贵许多。
- You can login to your account now or when you enter the Study Center. 登录--现在你便可以登录你的帐户,或者等到进入“学习中心”时再登录。
- Bikes must be walked on and off campus and locked in the bike compound. 自行车必须走在校园外、自行车锁在大院。
- On campus off campus I'm looking for two other students to share this house. 我正在找另外的两个学生来共享这套房子。
- You should compare prices at the on campus and off campus bookstore. 你应该比较校内书店和校外书店的价钱。
- The proxy allows database access to computers in the library or off campus. 通过代理允许馆内或者校外计算机访问数据库。
- To sprain constantly is the Chinese medicine traumatology department study center the wound muscle scope. 扭伤属中医伤科学中的伤筋范围。本病起病虽急,有的症状也重,然皆因气机郁遏,并无器质性病变。
- Funding also came from BYU’s Family Studies Center. 这次研究的资金同样也有部分来在于杨百翰家庭研究中心。
- The model cognition study center "may distinguish the nature"the theory, has discussed the writings in classical style teaching keypoint and the teaching rule. 借鉴认知学中的“可辨性”理论,探讨了文言文教学的关键点与教学规律。
- Show authentication instructions to people who use your link resolver from off campus. 向在校园外使用您的链接解析器的用户显示身份验证说明。
- In 1980 the archives of the practice run by Achille and Pier Giacomo were acquired by the Study Center and Communication Archives at the University of Parma. 在1980年的档案实践民办阿希尔及码头贾科莫获得由研究中心和通讯档案,在帕尔马大学。
- How do I make access simpler for off campus students and faculty who don't use our school's networks? 如何使不使用我们学校网络的离校生和教师更轻松地进行访问?
- Students must reapply re-apply after a year if they want to continue and off campus an off-campus job. 学生们必须在一年之后重新申请,如果他们想继续校外工作的话。
- Lift weights, swim, or jog.Play racquetball, tennis, or basketball.And theres just as much to do off campus. 举重、游泳或跑步,还有打网拍墙球、网球和篮球,业余时间可做的运动实在太多啦。
- Students must reapply re-apply after a year if they want to continue an off campus off-campus job. 如果一年后他们还想继续校外工作,必须重新申请。